Los requisitos y las políticas

La calificación

A. Dos ensayos (70%)

  • Ensayo Uno (30%): uno de comparación y de contraste

    • 4-5 hojas (1.000 palabras o más)

    • Dos versiones (el borrador y la versión final)

  • Ensayo dos (40%): uno de análisis textual

    • 5-6 hojas (1.200 palabras o más)

    • Dos versiones

B. Las preguntas en Perusall (15%)

C. Las pruebas (15%)

Objectives related to the Advanced Writing credit

Students will write two analytical essays in Spanish in the course. Each essay will analyze literary texts read in the course, and each essay will be between 4-6 pages in length. The essay will address an issue of racial justice relevant to the text, and students will present textual evidence in support of their thesis.

Student learning outcomes for writing include:

  • Purpose and audience. Organization of ideas in accordance with discipline and/or genre-specific conventions. Students will begin to learn to write as literary critics in both their analytical papers and their annotated editions.

  • Disciplinary-appropriate use of evidence, sources, and citation. Students will get practice in the use of MLA style, and they will support their arguments with citations from literary and cinematic sources.

  • Disciplinary-specific writing skills. Students will begin to acquire some of the formal style of Spanish-language literary criticism.

Sobre el COVID 19 y esta clase

  1. La clase se reunirá los lunes y miércoles en el patio de la residencia Jordan y también por Zoom.

  2. Veremos las películas los jueves en el auditorio Hoxie Thompson en Sherman Hall, segundo piso. Si esto no es posible, por favor avísame y puedes ver la película de otra manera.

  3. Sé que es desafiante tomar clases durante una pandemia. La comunicación es sumamente importante este semestre. Habla conmigo y te puedo ayudar a tener éxito en este curso.

  4. Las horas de consulta tendrán quelugar seren el patio de Jordan. Podemos fijar una cita después de clase. O te podemos reunirnos por Zoom.

COVID-19 attendance policy contingencies
I know that we are living in exceptional times. We all need to adapt to best preserve our health and the health of our community members. Because of our circumstances, if you find that you need to quarantine yourself, if you become ill, if you are a member of a high-risk population, or if you become the primary caretaker for another person, please communicate with me as much about your exceptional circumstances that you are comfortable sharing with me so that we may create the best and most equitable learning plan for you. Depending on individual circumstances, this alternative learning plan may include deadline extensions.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 after administering your daily check (but feel well enough to attend a class), please let me know and attend class remotely that day. (For your reference: Student Health Page). This attendance accommodation does not mean that you may remotely attend class whenever you feel like it, however.

If I need to quarantine or if I become ill (but am still able to conduct class), all class members will learn remotely.

If a member of our class receives a positive test result, then the entire class will quarantine, and conduct class remotely as needed.

In-person class participation: If you are attending a class in person, your participation will entail

In-person class participation:

If you are attending a class in person, your participation will entail:

  • Mutual respect of all who choose to speak is required of all participants (both in-person and remote).

  • Socially distanced (6-feet separation) seating and class learning.

  • Use of the same chair position when attending class to help with possible contact tracing.

  • Sanitizing surfaces and hands when needed and no sharing (despite what we may have been taught).

  • Proper use of a proper face mask for the duration of class. If you do not wear a mask, then according to Austin College guidelines, I am unable to allow you to physically attend class.

  • No food or drink, except for water or medical reasons when necessary, in the classroom because of the need to wear masks.

  • Mutual respect of all who choose to speak is required of all participants (both in-person and remote).

  • Respectful behavior in this class includes proper usage of your electronic devices. Electronics will be used for academically honest learning in this class only.

  • Sometimes you may be paired with remote students for discussions.

  • When relevant, an in-person student will help me to connect remote and in-person students during the discussions.

Disability Accomodation

If you anticipate accessibility issues related to the format or requirements of the course, please meet

with me so we can discuss solutions. Austin College seeks to provide reasonable accommodations

for all individuals with disabilities and will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws,

regulations and guidelines. It is the responsibility of the student to register with and provide

verification of academic accommodation needs to the Director of the Academic Skills Center as soon

as possible. The student also must contact the faculty member in a timely manner to arrange for

reasonable academic accommodations. For further information regarding disability services or to

register for assistance, please contact the office at 903-813-2454 or visit the Academic

Skills Center.

NOTICE: This syllabus is tentative and can be changed. All changes will be

announced in class.]

[If you do not understand any portion of this syllabus, please let me know, and I will explain it to you in English.]