"To me the workshop was useful, not only because it provided a glimpse into feminist art history, but also because it taught me about performance as a way to express feelings and that it might be a valid way to do so. The back and forth of going inward when meditating and outward when discussing, writing or moving was very interesting. I think I might want to use similar techniques for my own projects and so I left the workshop inspired..." Louise

"It was very different from any other workshop I have ever been to before and even though it did take me a bit out of my comfort zone, it was also inspiring in a surprising way. I really liked the how changing the interiority of the space also changed how you feel in the space - I felt more relaxed. It inspired me to thinking that maybe when I do group interviews I could "change the room" and make it more relaxed so that the people would feel more comfortable opening up and sharing their experiences." Maria