November 12, 2019, the Council of the European Union gave the green light to the TWISTER (Timely Warning and Interception with Space-based TheatER surveillance) capability project for implementation within the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) framework. This international missile defence project which already includes five European countries, seeks to develop with support from the European Defence Fund a European multi-role interceptor to address emerging threats and be brought into service by 2030.

At the same time, the extreme heat that hypersonic missiles generate in the atmosphere makes them likely to be detectable by infrared sensors; the United States is developing space-based infrared sensors for that purpose. In addition, the trajectory of hypersonic boost-glide missiles near the end of flight is similar enough to that of aircraft that they may be vulnerable to air defenses. The effectiveness of air defenses would depend on the relative speeds and maneuverability of the interceptor and of the hypersonic missile near the end of its flight, when it had slowed considerably.

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Net Effect on Survivability. For all of the reasons noted above, hypersonic boost-glide missiles are likely to be detected on launch, but current defensive systems lack the ability to reliably intercept them. In the midcourse phase, acquiring tracking data with sufficient resolution to target the missiles with interceptors will be difficult unless potential adversaries develop space-based infrared sensors to track boost-glide missiles by their heat. Developing interceptors with enough agility and maneuverability to engage those missiles will also be difficult. Intercepting missiles in the midcourse phase is challenging, even with good tracking data and even for ballistic missiles (because they can employ countermeasures). The difficulty would be greater in some respects with hypersonic missiles, but the end effect might not be different, because neither China nor Russia can intercept long-range ballistic missiles today.

Gary Kitmacher: And the vehicle was never successful, but it was supposed to be an interceptor to go up against allied bombers that were, of course, bombing Germany at that time. So, this is the first real technology that a few years later are going to go into both the unmanned and later the manned space programs.

Northrop Grumman's deep mission expertise gives us a unique perspective to know what it takes to protect the warfighter and preserve freedom, both in space and from space. Our leading-edge technologies and agile practices lead to pioneering breakthroughs that enable our customers to carry out their vital missions to preserve freedom on the ground and in orbit.

John Dennis Hodge (born 1929) is a British-born aerospace engineer. He worked for the CF-105 Avro Arrow jet interceptor project in Canada. When it was cancelled in 1959, he became a member of NASA's Space Task Group, which later became the Johnson Space Center. During his NASA career, he worked as a flight director and planner. When he returned to NASA in the 1980s, he worked as a manager on the Space Station Freedom project, which later became the International Space Station. He also served as an administrator at the United States Department of Transportation.

When the Avro Arrow project was cancelled in 1959, 32 Avro engineers including Hodge followed the lead of Jim Chamberlin and migrated to join NASA's Space Task Group. The group, based at Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, was responsible for America's manned space program, Project Mercury. At Langley, Hodge became the assistant to Chris Kraft, who was the head of the Space Task Group's operations division and NASA's first flight director.[2]


The E-3 Sentry is an airborne warning and control system, or AWACS, aircraft with an integrated command and control battle management, or C2BM, surveillance, target detection, and tracking platform. The aircraft provides an accurate, real-time picture of the battlespace to the Joint Air Operations Center. AWACS provides situational awareness of friendly, neutral and hostile activity, command and control of an area of responsibility, battle management of theater forces, all-altitude and all-weather surveillance of the battle space, and early warning of enemy actions during joint, allied, and coalition operations.


The E-3 Sentry is a modified Boeing 707/320 commercial airframe with a rotating radar dome. The dome is 30 feet (9.1 meters) in diameter, six feet (1.8 meters) thick, and is held 11 feet (3.33 meters) above the fuselage by two struts. It contains a radar subsystem that permits surveillance from the Earth's surface up into the stratosphere, over land or water. The radar has a range of more than 250 miles (375.5 kilometers). The radar combined with an identification friend or foe, or IFF, subsystem can look down to detect, identify and track enemy and friendly low-flying aircraft by eliminating ground clutter returns that confuse other radar systems.

Major subsystems in the E-3 are avionics, navigation, communications, sensors (radar and passive detection) and identification tools (IFF/SIF). The mission suite includes consoles that display computer-processed data in graphic and tabular format on video screens. Mission crew members perform surveillance, identification, weapons control, battle management and communications functions.

The radar and computer subsystems on the E-3 Sentry can gather and present broad and detailed battlefield information. This includes position and tracking information on enemy aircraft and ships, and location and status of friendly aircraft and naval vessels. The information can be sent to major command and control centers in rear areas or aboard ships. In time of crisis, this data can also be forwarded to the president and secretary of defense.

In support of air-to-ground operations, the Sentry can provide direct information needed for interdiction, reconnaissance, airlift and close-air support for friendly ground forces. It can also provide information for commanders of air operations to gain and maintain control of the air battle.

As an air defense system, E-3s can detect, identify and track airborne enemy forces far from the boundaries of the United States or NATO countries. It can direct fighter-interceptor aircraft to these enemy targets. Experience has proven that the E-3 Sentry can respond quickly and effectively to a crisis and support worldwide military deployment operations.

Ā A U.S. Air Force E-3 Sentry breaks away from a KC-135 Stratotanker after being refueled Feb. 28, 2019, while flying in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. The E-3 Sentry is an airborne warning and control system, or AWACS, aircraft with an integrated command and control battle management, or C2BM, surveillance, target detection, and tracking platform. The aircraft provides an accurate, real-time picture of the battlespace to the Joint Air Operations Center. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Clayton Cupit)

Starting last year, a new program to address the EKV reliability issue was initiated by MDA, the Redesigned Kill Vehicle (RKV) program. The technology in the current EKV fleet was developed in the 1990s. The RKV program allows the introduction of more modern technology to include advances in seeker capability, propulsion, guidance and control, manufacturing, and other improvements. The completion of the RKV program should be one of the first priorities to address the shortfalls of the current GMD capability. It should dramatically improve the effectiveness of the GMD system by reducing the number of interceptors fired at each incoming warhead. It should also include advances in communications technology to allow the kill vehicle to fully exploit all of the information available from the variety of space-based, sea-based, and land-based sensors.

This layer could initially consist of kinetic space-based interceptors (SBI) and later evolve to space-based lasers (SBL) as that technology matures. The SBI layer should complement terrestrially based assets, and even a modest constellation of satellites with several kill vehicles apiece could have a significant impact on the U.S. ability to defend itself against more advanced threats. It would expand the defended area to our allies around the globe as well, and could be used to support both regional and homeland defense.

Open space developments are exempt from volume control and detention requirements, and single family homes and maintenance activities are exempt from all stormwater requirements. Table 2 in Article 5 summarizes the stormwater requirement for projects requiring a WMO permit. 17dc91bb1f

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