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Tips For Relieving Stress

Stress is a part of everyday life for most people, but it can cause health problems as well as detract from the overall quality of life. Taking some time to reduce stress can make challenges easier to face and provide renewed energy for tackling the next task. The following are a few tips for decreasing stress and feeling better.


Mindfulness meditation is becoming quite popular, and there are many resources available to help the beginner. Searching for "meditation apps" will yield many free results. Studies have shown that simply sitting still, breathing deeply, and focusing attention on the moment can relieve stress, lower the heart rate, ease tense muscles, and reduce feelings of anxiety.

Get A Massage

A massage can offer many of the same benefits as meditation and, in fact, a lot of people report that they experience a meditative state during a massage. Not only does the therapy relieve tension in the muscles, it's been shown to trigger the release of feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. These natural chemicals in the body produce a calm and pleasant feeling, and they help to relieve both immediate and chronic stress.


"Laughter is the best medicine," says the old cliche, but scientists have found evidence that laughter really does play a role in reducing stress and its harmful side effects. A recent study found lower levels of cortisol (the hormone associated with stress) in people who had just been watching funny videos compared with a control group who had been sitting quietly.

Take A Spa Vacation

One of the most enjoyable stress-reduction methods is a visit to a spa where clients can enjoy full days of stress-relieving treatments, good food, and luxurious accommodations. Some people take a few spa days throughout the year to feel refreshed. Longer spa breaks over a weekend or more can provide the perfect escape from and remedy for stress.

These are only a few of many possible strategies. Some people find a great deal of stress relief in arts and crafts, while others get the most benefits from endorphins released by exercise. Simply spending time with loved ones and pets can bring a deep sense of contentment and relaxation. No matter the method, relieving stress can make anyone feel healthier and happier.