Hi @Charlie_Robinson, I have just been through the process of flashing my old reach modules to firmware 26 on a win10 machine. To get USB-to-PC connection I needed to disable driver signatures and then install EdisonDriverSetup1.2.1 as per this thread Flashing Reach RS - Win10

The flashing tool then found the module and completed the update without issue.

Hey, I'm looking into exploring NHOS after downsizing my mining rig to 6x GPUs, which with my motherboard allows me to use legacy boot. I installed the NHOS Flash Tool without problems, but trying to run it does next to nothing. It pulls up the expected UAC prompt, and a process appears in Task Manager for a few moments, but then it disappears. I've reinstalled the flash tool several times, with reboots between each attempt. So far, no dice.

Sp Flash Tool 3.0 Download

Download 🔥 https://tiurll.com/2y4AZA 🔥

It would be nice to use the flash tool for a bit more convenience, but at this point I'm just going to use Rufus or Balena Etcher. But for future reference for myself and others, is this issue something that is already known/has a solution? Thanks in advance!

I had the same issue: the flash update tool did not want to open at all, thought the USB connections seemed to be alright (because I could play Mac OS sounds, iTunes, etc...). But I could not synchronise TotalMix FX nor open the USB driver utility.

The issue was only the I had previously switched my UFX in class-compliant mode in order to make it work with my iPad 2. When I switched off the class compliant mode, everything ran smoothly, the flash update tool ran without any issue.

Somewhere in the threads around the new beta driver, MC mentioned that you HAVE to update your firmware BEFORE using the new driver. The flash tool doesn't seem to work with the newest Macs however. That's why I connected my Babyface to my old iMac first, updated the firmware and THEN installed it with the beta driver on the Mac studio. MAYBE that's your issue. However, if you don't consider the beta driver, you also won't need the firmware update, AFAIK. In the not too distant future, it might be necessary though because the old Kext driver won't be developed forever.

I was a bit confused by your details, after reading a few times, I think I understand what you are trying to do. You are using a custom board, not NXP EVB, and it has 2 flash memory devices connected via QSPI. Your board is also setup to use the Serial RCON, which means the configuration comes from the value programmed to EEPROM (as is an option with the NXP EVB). We already have a script for this to change the value, probably you already know of this:

my request is that if the tool is supporting S32G, we should mention it in somewhere. like the user guide in the folder "C:\NXP\S32DS.3.4\S32DS\tools\S32FlashTool\doc", we only mentioned S32S247TV and S32V234, not mentioning S32G at all. though we do have another txt file in the same folder "supported S32G devices" mentioned briefly the S32G rev1.0 rev 2.0 and 4 family members supported. can we include those info into same user guide?

This tool is currently used to flash bootloaders onto MicroSD cards or eMMC modules exported as USB Flash drives.

sudo ./lft.sh bl-flash BOARD_MODEL BLOCK_DEVICE

Replace BOARD_MODEL with a model from ./lft.sh b-list

Replace BLOCK_DEVICE with a device from ./lft.sh dev-list

Please note that this tool may destroy GPT partitions so we recommend that you back up any valuable data on the target device.

I have the aml-s905x-cc board. There is only one main device showing (mmcblk1) as my sd disk. When I try to flash, it says the the device is a not a valid target. Just a thought here and stupid question:

Use NVIDIA SDK Manager to install Jetson Linux and other JetPack components on your Jetson developer kit. For instructions, see the appropriate Jetson Developer Kit user guide. Alternatively, see the topic Quick Start to flash your Jetson module with the bootloader and file system only, excluding other JetPack components.

Hi, sorry for misleading you before.

Please check To flash a specific partition.

Use the option -k APP to specify the partition you are flashing into,

and --image to specify the name of the image file.

We recommend that you disable any antivirus or security software on your computer before installing Reach Firmware Flash Tool. Such programs may delete important files that the tool needs to work correctly.

If your Flash tool version is 1.7.1 or older, to update to the latest version you will need to add the new GPG key. Run sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 90F3927E0416B765 command in the terminal.

Make sure you have enough disk space. Reach Firmware Flash Tool creates 2 folders: one to download the image and another one to unpack it. Once you close the Flasher tool, the folder with the unpacked image will be deleted.

It's easy. Your type of printer is quite old and uses an old flashing routine. In this case, the "Upgade Button" is used for upgrade and downgrade. At the moment I don't have such printer here, so I can't test it. But you can simply try this.

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If you have a question you can start a new discussionFlash Tool not working on ST Nucleo 476 BoardPROF. PRAKASH W DANDEKARover 4 years agoHello,

I am using Nucleo L476RG board and I am facing a problem indownloading code in board using Flash programmer in Keil IDE. Icompile the project successfully and when I click on Load Button, Iget following errors :

First Windows says: e24fc04721

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