SOVEREIGNTY. is a 2024 multimedia project by American women responding to the fact that we are being robbed of our rights to do what we wish with our bodies. Whether it be a work of original solo or collective art, music, theatre, film, essay, or a quote, image, recipe...the possibilities are endless - if you are a woman and feel called to respond join us!
The heartbeat of this project is our combined passions for freedom and expression. To join women from diverse backgrounds together to empower themselves and each other through creative acts at a time when our bodily autonomy is being threatened. To inform and remind audiences that women’s rights are human rights. Period.
By Barbara Maranhao, Vanessa Romero, Leyla Polozhani
By Kate Rzucidlo
By Stacey Linnartz
Film Coming Soon!
By Lynn Silver
Limited government, ok, what does that exactly mean for a woman? Absolutely Nothing!
No Equal Rights Amendment, certainly no equal pay and now, with the overturning of Roe no choice, my body, no choice. The state has the right to regulate me.
And who exactly is the state? Last time I looked mostly men. 24 women serve in the United States Senate out of 100 total senators. In the House of Representatives, there are 127 women serving out of 435 representatives. So, it seems telling me what I can and can not do with my body is just another way men have decided to control me, suppress me. Not unlike asking a woman to cover herself so a man don’t become aroused whether it be a Catholic nun, a Moslem woman or an orthodox Jewish woman.
I ask you where do men bear equal responsibility? My Answer? Overturning Roe requires the state to pass a law to either one of two things-a reversible vasectomy or the man, after DNA testing, supports the woman and the child for at least 18 years and that includes medical expenses, living costs, and education. If I can’t decide whether or not to have a child, then a man should not be able to decide whether or not they support me and child.
Equality. Down the line. Both sexes.
By Michele Straube
Our Bodies, Ourselves
Book 54 years ago
How have we not learned?!
My body, myself
No-one tells me what to do
IVF – abort
My body, myself
The choice is not yours to make
All mine. Period.
By T Valada-Viars
Poetry By Sharon Rishe
Once upon a year so dreary, when women pondered, sad and teary,
Over what we’d lost but had before.
While we nodded innocently, suddenly there came a decree,
Terrifying in its insanity,
A ruling that Roe was nevermore!
“Tis not real,” we muttered, not believing the Court had uttered
That women’s right to choose was nevermore
In great fear, right then we knew that our Supreme Court had no clue!
By taking away the freedoms we had before,
They showed they cared about women nevermore.
Ah, distinctly we remember, that we were expected to surrender
Everything that was ever true before!
That men could decide about our bodies,
To this we cried out “Nevermore!”
And at this moment we grow stronger, hesitating now no longer,
“Justices,” say we, “‘Your respect we do implore,
But the fact is we’re dumfounded, absolutely astounded!
To your ruling we abhor,
We’ll surrender nevermore!
Now all strong women do beguile our own sad fancies into smile,
As we shout “We do revile
This ruling that our choices aren’t worthwhile.
And that our rights we will ignore,
Shout we women, Nevermore!”
Women’s rights aren’t for debate, or to be determined by the State.
If you think we’re going to wait
for government our sovereignty to restore.
To this we bellow “Nevermore!”
Whose womb this is I definitely know,
But there are others, even so,
Who would like to control my womb
insisting that all choice I forgo.
My sovereignty they want to take away
To force me, to my dismay,
To go back to the frozen time
When women did not have a say
But my body I will not forsake
My right to choose I will retake!
There is no way I will agree
To this big governmental mistake!
The injustice of all this is so deep,
And here’s a promise I will keep,
Into action I will leap,
With miles to go before I sleep.
By Jane Kalvanek
By Stacey Linnartz
By Barbara Maranhao
By Claire Ho
Poetry By Stacey Linnartz
Diana Duerto, Neelima Guntu, Reshma Nair, Angella Douglas, Sreelatha Gaddam, Varsha Kumar
Active Body Fitness, East Windsor, NJ
Naomi Itescu for SOVEREIGNTY.
'Dancing On My Own' by Robyn
'Hard Place' by HER
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