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Hi, I'm Souvik Sadhukhan, a Research Scholar from TIFR Hyderbad, India

Brief Research Statement

My primary areas of research are soft matter physics and biophysics. My research work focuses on understanding the statics, dynamics, and rheological properties of a confluent cell monolayer theoretically via analytics as well as numerics. For example, we have extended one of the most popular theories of glass i.e. Random First Order Transition Theory (RFOT) for confluent cell monolayer. Moreover, in a recent work, using a mean-field approach, we discovered the formula for the distribution of cell shape and answered many fundamental questions observed earlier. Now, we are trying to relate the statics with dynamics. Numerically, we have developed our own written codes for confluent models including the Cellular Potts model (CPM), Vertex model, Voronoi model, and a ring polymer-based cellular model.  

Research Highlights : Soft Matter Physics, Bio Physics, Computational Physics, Statistical Mechanics and Glassy dynamics

Properties of a Cell in a Monolayer using Cellular Potts Model

Active Vertex Model Simulation

Get in touch at go2souvik@gmail.com