Soutir Bandyopadhyay

Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 

Colorado School of Mines

Chauvenet Hall 

1500 Illinois St.

Golden, CO 80401 

Email: sbandyopadhyay (at) mines (dot) edu


Recent group news 

7/2024: Soutir has been appointed as the Associate Editor for Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (JCGS).

7/2024: Our paper on 'Adapting Quantile Mapping to Bias Correct Solar Radiation Data' is now on arXiv.

7/2024: Soutir will present a talk at the International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics in Braga, Portugal.

6/2024: Maggie Bailey, successfully defended her dissertation! Congrats, Maggie!

6/2024: Our paper on 'Temporal and Spatial Downscaling for Solar Radiation' is now on arXiv.

3/2024: Our NSF proposal for 'Workshop: Collaborative Strategies for Predicting and Measuring Uncertainty in Rare Occurrences in Civil and Environmental Systems' has been awarded. (PI: Bandyopadhyay; co-PI: Nychka)

2/2024: Our paper 'Fast parameter estimation of Generalized Extreme Value distribution using Neural Networks' has been accepted for publication in Environmetrics. Congratulations Sweta!!