The Tiger, V. 112: SHIFT

2022 South High Yearbook... written by YOU!

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Questions about the Yearbook? Reach out to the Yearbook Advisors.

Becky Wood:

Allen Edwards-Manning:

2021 has required a SHIFT in our thinking, perspectives and daily routines. It has been stressful, challenging and dynamic. The 2022 yearbook seeks to include your voice in the creation of a project designed to capture this unique moment in time.

We need your voice!

During Distance Learning we need your creativity, collaboration and contributions to produce the content of the 2021 Tiger Yearbook! Please choose a featured project below to share your voice.

Featured Projects

Student Features

Respond to prompts to share your perspective on current events. Seeking your insights on social justice, service and more!

Clubs and Activities

Share your favorite memories and pics of the year.


Tell us about the season highlights, stats and game day pics!


Vote on faculty and senior awards!


Contact the advisor [] to get more information on the project