Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

Sources – Mars

We want to thank the following for their scientific support:

  • Malik K. (Matterbeam)



– Mars seems familiar: polar ice caps, large valleys, liquid water under its surface and a day barely longer than Earth's.

#NASA–Fact–Sheet on Mars, 2018


#Liquid water spied deep below polar ice cap on Mars, 2018


– Unfortunately Mars is actually a cold, radioactive desert where the ground is poison and breathing is impossible.

#5. Toxic Effects of Martian Dust on Humans, NASA, 2005


#Toxic Mars: Astronauts Must Deal with Perchlorate on the Red Planet, 2013


– Mars is very energy poor. Because of its distance from the sun, solar power is only 40% as effective as on earth.

#Mars Solar Power, NASA, 2014


#NASA–Fact–Sheet on Mars, 2018


– But even this weakened sunlight is often obscured for days by enormous dust storms.

#The Massive Mars Dust Storm Is Starting to Die Down, 2018


– Since Mars doesn’t have easily accessible Uranium

#Analysis of Uranium and Thorium lines in Mars odyssey gamma spectra and refined mapping of atmospheric radon, 2012


– Mars’ atmosphere is only 1% as dense as Earth’s and mostly made up of CO2.

#Martian Atmosphere, Center for planetary science, 2017


#Mars' Atmosphere: Composition, Climate & Weather, Space.com, 2017


– Without an extensive magnetosphere and a dense atmosphere, half of all radiation coming from space reaches the ground.

#The Structure of Martian Magnetosphere at the Dayside Terminator Region

as Observed on MAVEN Spacecraft


– A person on the surface would be subjected to 50 times the radiation that they would be on Earth.

#Mars: First Radiation Measurements from Planet’s Surface, 2013


#Radiation Measurement on Mars, 2013


(on average 220 - 240 μR/h)

Average background radiation on Earth:

#Wikipedia-Article “Background radiation"


– To protect against that, we could shield our habitats with a thick layer of frozen CO2, that can be harvested directly from the atmosphere. Covering the dry ice with a meter of dirt would further increase the level of protection

#Radiation Protection for Human Missions to the Moon and Mars, 1991


#Mars surface shielding from radiation, 2015


#Radiation Protection for Human Missions to the Moon and Mars, NASA, 1991


– It is much smaller than dust on Earth, so it could find its way into the gears or electronics of our machines.

#The Fact and Fiction of Martian Dust Storms, 2015


– Mars’ soil is filled with very toxic perchlorate salts.

#Toxic Mars: Astronauts Must Deal with Perchlorate on the Red Planet, 2013


–Mars’s soils are alkaline and lack the vital nitrogen compounds, plants need to grow.

(While nitrogen oxides have been released from Martian soil in testing, we haven’t directly sampled nitrates and ammonium that plants can use and there are no nitrogen-processing bacteria to recycle or make those compounds useful to plants.)

Study claiming “it could be possible to grow plants”

#Martian soil 'could support life', 2008


#Martian soil appears able to support life, 2008


Nitrogen found on Mars

#NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Biologically Useful Nitrogen on Mars, 2015


–Mars has only 37% of Earth’s surface gravity which could cause muscle wasting, bone loss and cardiovascular problems

#NASA–Fact–Sheet on Mars, 2018


– That leave only a narrow travel window, every two years.

#Mars transfer window frequency, 2018


#Wikipedia-Article Launch-Window
