Source Code Watchdog

Version 1.1.0

Dated 18 Jan 2022

Freeware, Portable

(c) 2021-2022 Anand Gupta

Read Changes for changes history.

See Screen Shots for settings and tray icon images.

Go to Download page to download the app.

Check It Happened for full narrative of how friend of mine lost all his source codes to Malware.

Check More Freeware for many more freeware and portable apps.

Description (of the application) :

Well we are facing this problem of malware (many out in the wild) encrypting our source codes and data. Then demanding bitcoins to decrypt them, but never does so, no matter how much we pay.

Now as a programmer our bread and butter are source codes which we write solving myriads of problems of our customer and in return we earn to sustain our family.

The executable we generate or the programs we download can be re-generate or re-downloaded. But the source codes have to be re-written painfully.

Using various backup methods we can ensure the last backup may have working codes, but those too may be just mirage as one of our co-programmer found out. All his hdd, NAS drives etc. were encrypted. Even the backup was of the encrypted files !!

Now we do not know when the malware is going to harm us. Since we have so many source codes of different projects in different folders, it is tough to check all the codes if they are Okay.

The plus point is that all our source codes are in text files and an encrypted source code is more visible (i.e. we can ensure it is Okay or not) than an encrypted executable.

Benefits (of using it) :

Source Code Watchdog (SCW) opens each source code file and looks for a defined string of text. If not found, show an alert for it. You can define as many string texts as you like. I put my name as header in each source code file, so they can be easily checked. Further you can define the file extensions to be checked like bas, cpp, prg etc.

A alert window will show if any file do not contain the searched text. Two log files are created 'Found.log' and 'NotFound.log' with entries of full file names.

Installation and uninstallation (on computer) :

To install, extract the zip file in a folder, say "Source Code Watchdog", and run the "Source Code Watchdog" exe.

To uninstall, right click on tray icon of "Source Code Watchdog" and select 'Exit'. Then delete all files in the "Source Code Watchdog" folder and remove the "Source Code Watchdog" folder.

Auto-start with windows :

To make this program auto start with Windows, please check below link for the steps to add shortcut of a program into the startup folder in more details, each accompanying with visual image.

Anti-Virus reports malware (what to do?) :

Delete the exe and it's folder. There is nothing we can do as this is false alert and we do not have resource to request all Anti-Virus companies to update their database. Similar problem is faced by small developers worldwide, check below links,

Below is VirusTotal scan result, where most mark the exe as clean

Contact (for feature request, bug report etc.) :

You can email me for sending screen shot of your problem with this software.

Freeware (why?) :

As a developer, we work for commercial ventures in our day jobs, and code something more personally interesting in our spare time. We get more pleasure in making the application, which in turn helps us in our day to day activity and may also benefit others. We use freeware software made by other developers, so we feel happy if we are able to make small contribution to this freeware community.

If you are happy using the app, you can show your appreciation by donating here.

Hope you will find this software useful.

