“Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun.” – Albert Einstein

Objective: To maintain the highest standards as an academician and a researcher

Fields of Research Interests

Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Understanding, Natural Language Programming, Information Extraction, Text Classification and Sentiment Analysis, Text Summarization, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Software Engineering

Work experience

[October 2020] - [Till Date]

Assistant Professor-II, Xavier School of Computer Science & Engineering (XCSE).

XIM University (formerly Xavier University) Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.

Subjects/ Courses teaching:

UG: Natural Language Processing (Odd), Artificial Intelligence (Even), Advanced Web Development (Even).

PG: Natural Language Processing (Odd), Artificial Intelligence (Even), Text Analytics (Even).

[October 2006] - [September 2020]

Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, W.B., India.

Assistant Professor (Senior Grade – AGP 8000), Department of Computer Science & Engineering (NBA accredited)

Subjects/ Courses taught:

UG: Operating System, Natural Language Processing, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structure, Multimedia Technology, Internet Technology, etc.

Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, SQL, Shell Script, Web Technology (HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP-MySql), etc.

PG: Natural Language Processing, Advanced Operating System, Advanced Web Technology.

[July 2005] - [September 2006]

TechBooks International Pvt. LTD (now Aptaracorp), New Delhi, India.

Facilitator (Assistant Manager)


[2017] - [2020]

Ph.D. (Engg)

Thesis Title: "Understanding and Learning to Solve Arithmetic Word Problems"

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, FET,

Jadavpur University, India.

Supervisor Name: Dr. Sudip Kumar Naskar, Associate Professor.

[2003] - [2005]

Masters in Multimedia Development [ M.E. equivalent]

School of Education Technology, Faculty of Engg. & Tech.,

Jadavpur University, India.

[1999] - [2003]

Bachelors in Engineering [Computer Science & Engineering],

Burdwan University, India.

Personal Information

Date of Birth: XX/ XX/ 1981.

Parents: Swapan Kumar Mandal, Anjana Mandal.

Spouse: Debanjana.

Daughter: Reina.

Hobbies: Organizing Events, Writing, Travelling.

Gender: Male.

Nationality: Indian.