Ryszard Auksztulewicz
Free University of Berlin
Ryszard Auksztulewicz is a visiting professor at the Free University of Berlin. He is a member of the Hearing Research group, City University of Hong Kong, and the Neuroscience Department, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics. Still actively collaborating with the Brain and Cognition lab, Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity, and the Theoretical Neurobiology group, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL.
His scientific interests include: perception, attention, prediction, learning, and consciousness. He typically combines empirical methods (magneto/electroencephalography, electrophysiology, neuroimaging) with computational models (biophysically realistic Bayesian modelling) to test mechanistic hypotheses about functional neuroanatomy of cognitive functions.
In 2018-2021, he was a researcher in the project "Temporal predictions in the auditory cortex: neural mechanisms and their specificity across species and stimulus domains" funded by the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship for his work on neural mechanisms of prediction signalling, and is hosted by the Neuroscience Department of the MPI for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt am Main (working closely with Prof. Lucia Melloni and Prof. David Poeppel), and the Department of Neuroscience, City University of Hong Kong (Prof. Jan Schnupp). He was also a co-investigator on two competitive grants awarded by the Research Grants Council Hong Kong.
Previously, Ryszard has worked in the world’s leading cognitive and computational neuroscience groups at University College London (Prof. Karl Friston) and Oxford University (Prof. Kia Nobre), spearheading empirical and modelling studies of the neural mechanisms of prediction error signalling. Most of his previous and ongoing work is directly related to predictive coding and auditory mismatch signalling in the brain.