i'm looking for a pistol to get in preperation for my necro main to use on Harbinger. I really dislike the deafult attack sound of the pistol skills. So are there any pistols aside from Hope which have some unique attack sounds?

Note: only HOPE, Quip and the Ebonhawke Crossbow Pistol Skin have both matching sound and projectile animations (supposedly the Crimson Assassin (SAB) weapon skins too but I can't find any showcase example of them anywhere and I've never seen it in-game either so take that with a grain of salt).

Sound Effects Player Free Download

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I tested both SoundEffect.Play and SoundEffectInstance.Play, they both cause the background music to get quiet. It is very noticeable when 4+ sound effects play at the same time. The sound effects I used are short as well (less than 0.2 seconds). It is a 16-bit 44100Hz Stereo wav file.

I did some research on this problem beyond MG, and I found that a few people had the same issue with engines like Unity Sound effects cause the music to become quiet? and Godot Why do my sound effects make my music quieter? - Godot Engine - Q&A. I have limited knowledge of audio in computer science, but my educated guess is that the underlying audio mixer causes this problem. I will also try and reinstall my audio drivers, but I doubt that it causes the problem.

I have a feeling it may just be a case of reducing the overall volume, particularly of sound effects with multiple instances and maybe reducing the volume of new instances based on the number of sound effects already being played.

Thanks for your suggestions ! I will try to limit the overall volume of SFX and music. In my game, I did have a system that limited the number of each SoundEffectInstance playing simultaneously (I limited the game to play a maximum of 4 sound effects per SoundEffect file) but I still noticed the problem, which is why I created this thread.

As you said, I really should tune down the overall volume of the audio files because that does make the problem less apparent. However, I think players with headphones would still notice this, but I can probably work with it for now. Since you said DX only has a 25% reduction, should I port the game to DX? Also, should I submit an issue on GitHub?

My first approach was to use the HTML5 element and define all sound effects in my page. Firefox plays the WAV files just peachy, but calling #play multiple times doesn't really play the sample multiple times. From my understanding of the HTML5 spec, the element also tracks playback state, so that explains why.

So now I can do Snd.boom(); from the Firebug console and play snd/boom.wav, but I still can't play the same sample multiple times. It seems that the element is really more of a streaming feature rather than something to play sound effects with.

Another library similar to Wad.js is "Sound for Games", it has more focus on effects production, while providing a similar set of functionality through a relatively distinct (and perhaps more concise feeling) API:

Here's one method for making it possible to play even same sound simultaneously. Combine with preloader, and you're all set. This works with Firefox 17.0.1 at least, haven't tested it with anything else yet.

Sounds like what you want is multi-channel sounds. Let's suppose you have 4 channels (like on really old 16-bit games), I haven't got round to playing with the HTML5 audio feature yet, but don't you just need 4 elements, and cycle which is used to play the next sound effect? Have you tried that? What happens? If it works: To play more sounds simultaneously, just add more elements.

I have done this before without the HTML5 element, using a little Flash object from -mp3-player.net/ - I wrote a music quiz ( ) and used it to play clips of music when the user clicked the button for the question. Initially I had one player per question, and it was possible to play them over the top of each other, so I changed it so there was only one player, which I pointed at different music clips.

Here's an idea. Load all of your audio for a certain class of sounds into a single individual audio element where the src data is all of your samples in a contiguous audio file (probably want some silence between so you can catch and cut the samples with a timeout with less risk of bleeding to the next sample). Then, seek to the sample and play it when needed.

I ran into this while programming a musicbox card generator. Started with different libraries but everytime there was a glitch somehow. The lag on normal audio implementation was bad, no multiple plays... eventually ended up using lowlag library + soundmanager:

Web Audio API is right tool for this job. There is little bit of work involved in loading sounds files and playing it. Luckily there are plenty of libraries out there that simplify the job. Being interested in sounds I also created a library called musquito you can check out that as well.

We have many maps in our stories where data tables and Alt Text are not sufficient to describe them to users with various visual or cognitive disabilities. A longer description is often needed that would be too clunky or out of place to add as text within the main StoryMap. One idea I had would be to create a longer description, convert it to audio using a free site that converts text to speech like From Text to Speech, and then load the audio file to the audio player placed next to the map as in the screenshot below. To do so and comply with Section 508 requirements, we would also need a way to include a transcript of the audio.

I would love to see an audio player that allows you to load a transcript right into the player with a "Show Transcript" option for users. Other accessibility options like being able to adjust the speed would be a bonus. The Able Player is a customizable HTML5 media player. An example of an Able Player audio player can be seen at Able Player Audio Demo #4. I couldn't get the transcript to function properly, but I think it gives a good idea of what it should do. Below is a screenshot of the audio player.

I create a collection (Audio) with a property file in it, I manually add a file to the database and give it a name. Now I would like to add the file to the Audio player, when clicking play it should play the sound of the file.

I don't know about separating the sounds out but disruption does have a visual indicator for the demolishers. The issue is that it's a really tiny red arrow if you aren't looking in the right direction and only if you're close enough. If you're looking in the right direction it's kinda thin red circle waves which can easily be lost in the noise of everything else. As a player who plays primarily with 1 headphone or none at all I fully understand your plight on needing a way better hearing-impaired option to find them

they need to replace the audio cues for stuff like that with equally helpful visual ones already. i never play disruption or look for caches in bounties/sabotage missions (or help w them if i'm in a group) because of it. it's not as though i'm disabled i just would rather listen to ambient sounds around my home (for security) and also sometimes i like to listen to listen to music, or a tv show, or maybe the occasional ball game instead of the in-game sounds. to me it's noise pollution, when my bro has his speakers too load in the next room while playing it drives me up the friggin wall -_- ' loud noises bug me rlly bad ever since i passed out for 6 or 7 hours w my ipod on max volume and playlist loop 13 years ago

The great @PixelGeek just made a tutorial about it How to Webflow (Live): Custom Webflow Audio Player - YouTube you can also use the udesly audio player clonable project -audio-player.webflow.io/. I hope this helps.

teensy of course does it so well. I highly recommend teensy for powerful, inexpensive audio projects! I started to dig into PJRC's libraries to see if there was a way to port a simple player to SAMD21 and quickly got lost. Should I pursue that route?

I forked a library originally from AloyseTech that allows you to play sounds straight from an SD card. What is nice about the library is the commands are non blocking and interrupt driven. Also, you can play up to four channels of sound simultaneously. Im using it with FreeRots for my laser tag guns project and it works very well. I think its worth giving it a try before you go and develop a new library from scratch.

Hi, @Quentin. Wondering if you might be able to help me also. I can add an audio file like the above, but wondering if there is a way to trigger the audio, so that it starts playing when other events happen on the page, like the end of the countdown. I tried to add custom JS in a workflow to make a sound play but does not seem to work.

As a film and TV composer, are use dropbox exclusively for sharing and listening to files. It would be super amazingly handy if the player had a repeat button. Often times I want to listen to a certain cue over and over and this would make it extremely handy

Honestly I'm just embarrassed for the Dropbox dev team at this point. 

It's 2021, and you still have yet to add a Repeat button to the desktop browser audio player.

I've been paying for dropbox for years now and I'm ready to leave over this continuously ignored request. This is not a complicated feature, and after several support email suggestions over the years and seeing this post ignored here on the forums, I'm ready to switch to another service that isn't going to just blow off the request indefinitely.


Without a repeat button, the loop is abrupt and jarring. I've written literally hundreds of assets for various projects that are all meant to be looped, and sharing them with the sorry excuse for an audio player that is native to the dropbox site has finally annoyed me to the point where I'm ready to change file sharing providers.

It irks me to no end that after years of asking, the Dropbox team has not implemented this request. What will it take, Dropbox? I'm in several composer forums/groups on various sites, do I need to start a petition? What exactly is the hang-up? Even if your devs are coding the backend from scratch, adding a repeat button to the track is something that even a kid with no programming knowledge and a wordpress template can manage, so why are we still begging? I highly doubt they're incapable, it just seems like the request is being ignored. 0852c4b9a8

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