Meet Your Facilitators

Regina Longo

Regina is a Transformational Empowerment Coach and Teacher dedicated to sharing her gift of inspiration and empowering others to live an extraordinary life of freedom, love, joy and deep spiritual connection. 

Regina’s own journey from self-doubt, sabotage and abandonment to now, Self Love Empowerment Queen, led her to show others everywhere to do the same. As a leader of personal development, she specializes in the relationship of Self Love. Her mission focuses on helping others cultivate inner strength, develop a strong sense of self love, self acceptance, and self worth. Her passion is teaching the Mastery of Alignment, awakening people to discover confidence and master a mindset of success in all areas of their lives. Only from a position of alignment can you own your true power and fulfill your purpose.

Her powerful magnetic energy and dedication leads the way offering life-changing inspiring teachings, live events, luxury retreats, and Yoga practices. In addition, she has authored her online course and ebook, Awaken The Warrior Within, tools for life.

Holli Neely

My name is Holli Neely. I am a yoga teacher, a women's retreat facilitator and a wild-hearted adventurer calling Western Montana home. For the past 8 years, I've been on an incredible healing journey, diving deep into the realms of inner growth and self-discovery. Standing firmly in my truth, I've embraced my medicine woman and my wild woman, weaving the wisdom of nature into every aspect of my life.

As a facilitator of outdoor women's retreats, I help women empower themselves and each other to embark on transformative journeys. Through breathwork, yoga, and immersive connections with nature, I guide them towards healing and empowerment. Stay Wyld retreats include adventures such as rafting down exhilarating rivers, conquering mountain trails on bikes, scaling rock faces, camping under starlit skies – all moments designed to instill confidence, courage, and strength.

In my diverse roles as a massage therapist, yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, raft guide, mountain biker, and rock climber, I've honed my skills and passion for the outdoors. My journey has taken me to the majestic Chugach mountains in Alaska, the desert rivers of the Rocky Mountains, the enchanting forests of the Pacific Northwest and the vast landscapes of the west.

I believe every woman has a story to tell, a story of re-wilding. No stranger to heartbreak, my story is one of resilience and strength. From a belief that a fulfilling career and independence were beyond reach to finding my truth in the solitude of a Buddhist Monastery and the grandeur of the whitewater rapids of the Grand Canyon, my journey is a testament to the transformative power of self-discovery. 

I am passionate about helping women uncover their own truths. I believe in the healing powers of nature, connection and self love helping them to find the courage to speak their truths and live authentically. From the flowing rivers of Montana and Colorado to the snow packed mountains of Alaska, I carry with me a story that resonates with the wild spirit in every woman, encouraging them to embrace their unique journey of healing and empowerment. 

Jake Roberts

At 40 years young, Jake embodies a youthful spirit and warmth that welcomes all who cross his path. His journey has been one of adventure and self-discovery, eschewing the conventional path for a life rich in experiences.

From teaching sailing in exotic locales like St. Thomas USVI and Cancun to training mob wives in Long Island, NY, and socialites in Southern California, Jake's diverse background reflects his adventurous spirit.

After some of life's twists and turns Jake found himself on a path of sobriety, where he dedicated over a decade to serving those in need with mental and behavioral health challenges in the non-profit sector.

Now, Jake finds himself immersed in the world of outdoor recreation, guiding white water rafting expeditions in the rugged beauty of Montana. Armed with certifications in yoga, Crossfit, and wilderness first response, he is passionate about helping others find peace and adventure in the great outdoors.

Looking to the future, Jake dreams of creating a sanctuary—a Glamping/Retreat business—where individuals can disconnect from the chaos of everyday life, reconnect with nature, and embark on transformative journeys of their own.