
Published & Accepted

An intensive, school-based learning camp targeting academic and non-cognitive skills evaluated in a randomized trial with C. Hvidman, A. Koch, J. Nafziger and M. Rosholm, Labour Economics, Volume 88, 2024 - Link to article 

Boys Left Behind: The Effects of Summer Camp and Follow-up Strategies on Academic, Personal, and Social Competencies, Economics of Education Review, Volume 93, 2023 - Link to article  

Working Papers

Not just a matter of time. The association between paternity leave duration and fathers’ childcare involvement with A. Klode, H.N. Fentz, and T. Trillingsgaard, 2022

Breaking Down Barriers: The Positive Impact of Dyslexia Special Education on Human Capital,  2022

Removal Decisions in Child Welfare: How Well Do Case Workers Predict Maltreatment? with S. Bodilsen, B. Michel, and M. Rosholm, 2021

Work in Progress 

Dyslexia Screening for At-Risk Children: Economic Implications and Policy Recommendations with K. Ibsen

Measuring the Impact of Psychological Therapy an Experimental Approach with M. Hesse, B. Michel, K. R. Thomsen, and M. Simonsen

Letterbox Club improves reading and well-being for disadvantaged children: a randomized trial with M. Rosholm, B.D. Vind, N.B. Lausen and J.J. Lomholt

Consequences of High-stakes Educational Readiness Assessment: Evidence from Danish Compulsory Schooling with T.S. Guul

Long-term- and health-related effects of active labour market policies with M. Rosholm, M. Svarer, and M. Bækgaard