Scientific Interests
Mathematical interests
- Biological modeling
- Macroscopic models
- Microscopic models
- PDE Analysis
- Numerical simulations
Current projects
- Interkinetic Nuclear movement (INKM)
We investigate the influence of the cell density on the INKM happening during the cell cycle in pseudo-stratified epithelial tissue. We propose an Individual-Based Model where nuclei are represented by deformable polygons and cell membranes are modeled by straight lines constraining the movement of the nuclei. This work is in collaboration with Pierre Degond (Imperial Colege), Sara Merino-Aceituno (University of Vienna), Jean-Paul Vincent (Francis Crick Institute), Gantas Perez-Mockus (Francis Crick Institute), Carles Recasens-Alvarez (Francis Crick Institute).
- Epithelial tissue growth
We propose a continuum model to study the influence of compression and stretching on tissue growth regulation. In particular, we develop a model for the growth of two interacting populations of cells that do not mix based on pressure, cohesion forces, and proliferation. We study the incompressible limit of such systems towards a free boundary Hele-Shaw type model using analytical and numerical arguments. This work is in collaboration with Pierre Degond (Imperial Colege), Nicolas Vauchelet (Université Paris 13), Alina Chertock (North Carolina State University), Jean-Paul Vincent (Francis Crick Institute).
- Micro-colony formation
We devellop a individual based model to study the interaction between bacterira during micro-colony ofrmation. We propose an assymetric model to recover some mechanical characterisitic of the colony growth. This project is in collaboration with Marie Doumic and Diane Peurichard.