Sophia Minnillo

Hello / Hola / Bonjour

I am a PhD candidate in Linguistics at University of California, Davis. I am on the Multilingualism and SLA track with a designated emphasis in Writing, Rhetoric, and Composition. I focus on L2 and heritage language learning, writing, teaching, and assessment. I also study multilingual identities and experiences during international education and study abroad. Many of my projects are situated within the field of learner corpus research, and I am a member of the Corpus of Written Spanish- L2 and Heritage team (COWS-L2H). 

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Email: smminnillo[at]ucdavis[dot]edu

Twitter: @SMinnillo

UCD Webpage



I hope this website can serve as a resource for other students and scholars. Please click on the other pages to read about my projects and the resources I recommend.

Thanks / Gracias / Merci