Curriculum Vitae

Short CV

2023- Now

ETH Zürich:  Post-Doctoral researcher

Photonics Laboratory, Prof. Novotny, ETH Zurich. 

Optoelectronics with 2D materials in van der Waals heterostructures


ETH Zürich:  PhD in Photonics

Doctor of Sciences : Photonics Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Novotny in ETH Zürich.

Thesis: Van der Waals tunnel junctions for light and memory


CERN Fellow

3-year fellowship at CERN in Beams Department, RF Group, Linac RF Section (BE-RF-LRF). 

Main tasks : 



EPFL Diploma thesis

I realised my diploma thesis as a scholarship holder in École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in the Group for Fiber Optics (GFO) under the joint supervision of Prof. Luc Thévenaz and Prof. Emmanouil Kriezis.


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 

Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering with specialization in Telecommunications, RF, Optics and Electromagnetism.