Become a Special Olympics Athlete

Signups for Fall 2023 sports will take place from May 15th - June 15th

Team Lancaster Fall 2023 Sports include Volleyball, Powerlifting, Long Distance Walking (LDW), and Bowling (Winter Sport, but Fall practice)

Signups can only take place online through the Special Olympics PA site. All athletes must have completed medical forms on file

with Special Olympics PA.

Upcoming Events 

Sports Signups

There have been concerns about signing up for sports. Team Lancaster, like many of us, has gone through some changes since Covid. Sign ups for all Team Lancaster Sports are now done on line through the Special Olympics PA site. If you need help applying or internet access, please email us at or ask your coach.


We are struggling to find enough coaches for the number of athletes interested in participating. Without enough coaches to meet the mandated coach:athlete ratio, we cannot expand our offerings or even our current Teams. We need interested people to either step up and coach, or to help us find coaches willing to give of their time for a season. 

Even if coaching isn't your thing, pleqase consider becoming a Class A Volunteer. Cleared Volunteers at this level can help us alleviate conflicts and problems with coach to Athlete ratios. SOPA will assist you and pay for clearances and a background check to help you become a Class A Volunteer!

Management Team

Our management team has also gone through some changes. Doug Welch is now serving as our county

manager. Anne Phillips is Sports Team leader; Tony Watts, fundraising and Bonnie Stafford, finances.

Marty Turner, Barb Phibbs and Ann Roda are helping to serve on the management team.