

I am currently a postdoc at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Previously, I received my Ph.D. from the University of Chicago under Benson Farb.

I’m interested in combinatorial questions connected to the algebraic geometry/topology of varieties/manifolds (or the converse). Examples include Euler characteristic-like invariants such as characteristic polynomials of linear subspace arrangements (e.g. encoded by h-vectors of simplicial complexes) along with algebro-geometric properties of matroids. Some topics I'm currently thinking about include questions related to intrinsic geometric properties in the context of gamma positivity or real-rootedness of invariants involved in triangulations of manifolds or wonderful compactifications and how they interact with characteristic classes and group actions (e.g. how close they are to being uniquely defined by them).

Here is my CV. Further details are listed in the tabs above.

Contact information:

Email: soohyun [dot] park [at] mail [dot] huji [dot] ac [dot] il, lalaland [dot] cappelletti [at] gmail [dot] com

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