Order Sons and Daughters of Italy Eureka

The Sons of Italy Eureka Lodge 1274 is a Humboldt County's only chapter of the Order Sons of Italy in America. The local lodge's activities are primarily hosting several fun events in the community (see calendar and description) and the revenues from these events are donated to local causes and scholarships. We like to think of ourselves as having fun and helping our community and at the same time honoring Italian heritage and culture as American Italians in Humboldt County since 1924.

For more insight about the Sons of Italy in America go to osia.org  or osiaca.org

For local events and descriptions visit our Facebook!

Ready to Join the Order?

We'd love to have you! In addition to the benefits of joining our local lodge, members also receive a monthly newsletter, special discounts, and access to scholarships and services. Eureka Lodge 1274 meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Eureka. Ready to join? Click below!

Che Novità ci Sono?

Italian Night with the Humboldt Crabs!

Want to celebrate Italian culture and watch the Humboldt Crabs take on the Nor Cal Warriors? Don't miss your chance on Friday, June 30th! Get your tickets online at humboldtcrabs.com/tickets/ or in person at Wildberries Marketplace and don't forget to stop by the booth for special Italian merchandise!