Who We Are

Sonrise Church wants to make a lasting difference in your life, in our community, and in the world

Sonrise church is working towards becoming a bilingual, multicultural church. We are building upon the prayers, faith, and groundwork laid over many years by previous generations of believers that worshiped in the same church building. We honor the past, embrace the present and look forward to the future.

We want to see the South Valley transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There are so many in our community living without the hope, peace, and joy that come from knowing the God of the Bible.

We are currently in the team building stage in several areas of ministry and are looking for fellow believers wanting to partner with us and serve God in this life-changing work. We are praying for God to direct us to people eager and hungry to reach the lost. We can all make a difference! Is it possible that God is calling you here?

Value Statements

We will do anything short of sin to reach people far from Christ.

(To reach people no one is reaching, we'll have to do what no one is doing)

​We are faith-filled, big-thinking, bet-the-farm risk takers.

(We will not insult God with small thinking and safe living)

We give up things we love for things we love even more.

(It’s an honor to sacrifice for Christ and His church.)

We always bring our best.

(Excellence honors God and inspires people.)

We will lead the way with irrational generosity.

(We truly believe it is more blessed to give than to receive.)

We are spiritual contributors not spiritual consumers.

(The church does not exist for us. We are the church and we exist for the world.)