Book II

1 For many visions I was given on this day the first of March, 2019 that you need to remember to take heed.

2 Do NOT seek vengeance for it is his, our Lord and Savior. Turn thy cheek against those who do you wrong. Remember this law and thou shalt surely be saved in an eternal glory.

3 Faith without works is DEAD. For which you are only saved by the grace of God on this earth as to SURVIVE and LIVE forever not for which kingdom you are given. For it is by works that You DO that will decide your final fate. This is the law. This is eternal and there is NO OTHER WAY.

4 If the under or over achiever shall approach you treat them both the same. Do not disrespect either for if ye live by the sword ye shall die by the sword. The double edge sword is the law and I carry it, the son of Man, Adam, The Chosen One, Archangel Michael. I come quickly too.

5 God has numbers and these are eternal laws. Be aware of them. 22 is my law. For it is 22 years from this day that again another dispensation comes. And it is the LAST. There is no other as these days are numbered until the millennium/and first judgement by me. The 2nd comes after and is our Lord and Savior Christ and I come with him on the cloud.

6 For I am the judge of the Gentiles. And I judge every man that have ever walketh on this earth including the exalted. For I will be mindful and just as Christ has been with me through this last mortal life I have given.

7 The corrupt man simply wants respect and not be disrespected. It is his law and by showing him kindness he shall spare you from his devilish ways. For most of He will not deny the Holy Ghost and shall be given a degree of glory for time and all eternity. This is THE law.

8 For most of you, you only share partial truths. You deny God the Father as a separate and distinct being and receive not of his full glory. You have made this blunder because of the craftiness of man as you are blinded. I tell you now -- KNOW HIM TOO. And it is by this ye will suffer a degree of glory. And there are 3 which differ as the Sun, Moon and stars in brightness. Do not become that of the stars even though it is "great" and where I am your God. Seeketh only Celestial.

9 Pray unto God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ that you may know them BOTH. For it is unlawful to pray directly to Christ himself. You must pray to God the Father (Elohim) in the name of Jesus Christ AMEN.

10 And remember this scripture as you do: John 14:6 using only the King James Version as all others are and add and subtract to the word in the English language. For Hebrew is the original but thou probably not speaketh.

And King James has many lost in translations for it's not complete. I will make you know to some of these errors for they can cost you.

6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

11 For the most hardened criminals. They want only respect from you. So let them have it. Turn thy cheek I say. For they do not want to harm you and they know the Holy Ghost. Although a murder, they still know God. Remember the Savior and I will seek vengeance upon their head and be Truthful to that law. But we will show mercy. Never give up on us. For we KNOW YOU.

12 Put God the Father FIRST, Jesus Christ SECOND in prayer for this is the law. The Son of God is still not Elohim. Make no mistake about it. Never forget. Give all glory to them in their order, for it is THEIRS. The great irony is that Elohim is not your judge of this world and there is only ONE Savior. You know him already as Jesus Christ. There is no other way to be saved. Not even through Elohim. Forget this not and do not mock him again. Stand up for Christ. Be a warrior until you see him again. Do NOT forget.

13 And again I say, remember to be mindful of others and don't put ye first. Be ready and stand spotless before Christ EACH AND EVERY DAY for he seeth you now. Trust in God as all others will fail you.

14 I have made many mistakes throughout life. I have turned against prayer. I have been boastful. But all has been forgiven from me through our gracious Lord and Savior. This is his law. For if ye abide by it, ye shall live the higher law with eternal glory on your head. Do not wait on your death bed as it will be too late.

15 Help those in need today. Do not wait. A blessing, a miracle with cometh.

16 Do not be a sign seeker for it will never come. As God will never make it known to you until it is too late. As this is the telestial way and it is filthy.

17 Remove yourself the your filthy life today. It will lead you to the depths of hell. A pain so great you can not endure it.

18 A veil has been place before your eyes to not remember your pre-existence. For if ye did? Ye would know how great you are. Take peace in that. Pray and ask God who you are and to guide you be get back to him or her. For this is the key.

19 For the man who mocketh God surely knoweth nothing.

Adam is The Chosen One seen here as Michael the Archangel who carries the Double Edged Sword