Sönke Hendrik Matthewes

About me

I am Assistant Professor of Applied Economics (tenure track) at Utrecht University.

I am affiliated with Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER) at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the IZA Institute of Labor Economics. I am also a Fellow of the College for Interdisciplinary Education Research (CIDER).

I completed my Ph.D. in Economics at the WZB Berlin Social Science Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, and Berlin School of Economics and did a postdoc at the University of Potsdam/Berlin School of Economics before coming to Utrecht.

My research applies econometric methods to questions in Economics of Education and Labor Economics. More specifically, I study how features of school systems, such as tracking and vocational curricula, shape students’ educational achievement, labor market outcomes and inequality therein.


Email: s.h.matthewes [at] uu.nl

Work address: Utrecht University, School of Economics, Kriekenpitplein 21-22, 3584 EC Utrecht, The Netherlands.

You can also follow me on Twitter.
