The aspect ratio is off. The game I used as an example renders in 636524, expecting a stretch to a 4:3 aspect ratio, which does happen on a real CRT, as seen below. However, as long as we're using a 480i resolution/60 Hz refresh rate (NTSC or PAL60) Dolphin displays square pixels. In 576i/50 Hz PAL mode, this doesn't happen (I assume the game uses square pixels internally when running in that mode).

I'd like to add that playing on a modern 16:9 LCD (Wii through component cables) and then setting the aspect ratio to "Original"/"Pixel Perfect" on the TV itself gives me a similar result to Dolphin, which means this really is done on purpose, to compensate for the expected CRT stretch of the time. Dolphin outputs the same signal as a GameCube/Wii, we're simply not seeing it how we would on an old CRT.

If the issue isn't present in the latest stable version, which is the first broken version? (You can find the first broken version by bisecting. Windows users can use the tool and anyone who is building Dolphin on their own can use git bisect.)

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If your issue is a graphical issue, please attach screenshots and record a three frame fifolog of the issue if possible. Screenshots showing what it is supposed to look like from either console or older builds of Dolphin will help too. For more information on how to use the fifoplayer, please check here:

I've noticed this issue, to varying degrees, in several games. "Sonic Adventure 2: Battle" is the most egregious example, but "Medabots Infinity" has it too, to a noticeable degree, and "Pokmon Colosseum" has a slight squish. All look right in real hardware, or when stretched to 4:3.

I'd like to add that playing on a modern 16:9 LCD (Wii through component cables) and then setting the aspect ratio to "Original"/"Pixel Perfect" on the TV itself gives me a similar result to Dolphin, which means this really is done on purpose, to compensate for the expected CRT stretch of the time. Dolphin outputs the same signal as a GameCube/Wii, we're simply not seeing it how we would on an old CRT.

No, that's not true. Modern TVs do a near-perfect good job of replicating "the CRT stretch". Actually they are more accurate than a typical CRT, which would often be slightly off due to analog electronics.

They do replicate that, when set to 4:3. However, my LCD TV has a pixel perfect option that deliberately ignores that. It looks right when set to 4:3 on the LCD, and it looks right (at 4:3) on my CRT.

@phire what I'm looking for here isn't even a game fix. Just an option to stretch to 4:3 in the emulator itself. The current "Force 4:3" option doesn't force 4:3, it forces square pixels. When using custom shaders to force 4:3, these games look perfect.

@phire It's neither, in my opinion. Dolphin is correctly emulating the internal signal of the GameCube, likely what you'd get if you used a capture card, and also what I get when I use pixel perfect mode on my LCD. However, as shown by the photo, circles show up as circles on a CRT, which I believe means the game was developed with stretching in mind. I can snap more pictures of circular elements in the UI (the ring icon in gameplay, for example, copyright symbols in text, I've shown all of these in the forum topic I linked to earlier today) to show how it looks on the CRT. And, as I've said earlier, I have two more games that behave in exactly the same way (ovals in Dolphin and pixel-perfect mode LCD, proper circles on my CRT). I just want an emulator-wide option in Dolphin to stretch games to 4:3 (and maybe rename the current "Force 4:3" option to "Internal aspect ratio" or "1:1 pixel aspect ratio").

Because dolphin automatically crops black bars from the border, the actual rendered picture resolution from dolphin is never actually 4:3 or 16:9. But it is correct to what the hardware does. If dolphin was ever to an an option to insert the black bars, the resulting picture would actually be 4:3. But nobody wants actually wants that feature.

Look at the photos I posted, then. The CRT one clearly shows a circle where Dolphin displays an oval, and the dumped texture is also a perfect circle. That's why I raised the issue in the first place: because I felt the ovals I was seeing in Dolphin weren't the same as what I saw when I originally played this game, so I went back to the GameCube, confirmed and photographed it. I'm less peeved about it now because another user gave me a custom shader that stretches the picture to 4:3 and makes everything circular, but I still thought it should be fixed in the emulator itself (or at least give users the choice). If the devs think this is the proper behavior, though, I won't insist any longer.

The game is broken. In 50Hz mode (which is the default for PAL) it has the correct aspect ratio, the menu items appear circular. But in 60Hz, it has the incorrect aspect ratio with non-circular menu items.

If you boot the PAL version of the game into PAL60 mode (hold B while booting to get a video mode selection menu), it also replicates dolphins result of the NTSC version of the game. If you correctly dump the PAL disc and load it into dolphin, you will find that replicates the result of the PAL disc on real hardware, with circular menu items.

Do you know what the technical differences are between your modern TV's 4:3 mode and pixel perfect mode? (Perhaps the manual has a description of the modes?) Since lines of analog video don't contain pixels, I was assuming that the name of this "pixel perfect" mode couldn't be referring to how the lines are stretched and that it thus probably was some kind of setting that controls overscan, but if the wideness of things looks different between the two there must be some sort of difference.

I do. Pixel-perfect mode was originally meant for DVD playback. It assumes analog signals use the full 720-point spatial resolution limit of old analog signals, resulting in a digitized 720480 image for NTSC or PAL60 signals and 720576 for PAL. It then scales this signal to a 14401080 space in the center of the display, meaning horizontal resolution is fully preserved, as pixels are doubled with no blur, whereas vertical resolution is scaled normally (with bilinear filtering). This yields a perfect 4:3 image for DVDs that use the full SD resolution. Other sources, which leave blank horizontal space on either side of the picture (analog-converted 704480 was common, for example, for SD digital camcorders), have that blank space treated as black pixels, which means images appear squeezed vertically. CRTs would often ignore that blank space and stretch whatever was left to 4:3, even before overscan. Developers would often rely on that (or predict that) and make games slightly anamorphic to compensate. My LCD's 4:3 mode replicates that effect. It ignores blank space, stretches whatever's left to 4:3, and then slightly crops the picture. I assume some CRTs would treat the blank signal as black too, which would explain @phire having confirmation that there are ovals on CRTs as well. But I've provided photo and video proof that mine doesn't, and in 60 Hz mode.

This is simply not true. No TV in the gamecube era did anything like this. You are just making wild speculation that is competly untrue. I've done extensive research into the operation of CRT TVs in order to get dolphin's aspect ratio implementation correct.

2 - My CRT TV is OLD. It's been in my house for at least 15 years, likely more. It has no adjustable display modes besides typical 4:3 and 16:9, and it's the one in the videos (always set to 4:3, of course, it's a 4:3 TV and the 16:9 mode is letterboxed). It's the one I took the tape measurements in, showing perfect circles in PAL60 mode (5.75.7 cm) and unnoticeably wider circles in PAL mode (5.85.6 cm). As seen in the videos I attached. I can find a way to test the NTSC version as well if you think it might not look the same as PAL60.

I am not in any way devaluing your research, and you probably know a lot more than I do about the inner workings of video signal. But the fact remains that I have a CRT showing circles in PAL60 mode, and that I can replicate both that and Dolphin's output on my LCD. And I have sent you video proof.

I got something weird on the LCD. When running the test suite, the 4:3 optimized option is disabled (in the same way everything except 16:9 is disabled when I feed it a 1080p signal). It only allows for pixel-perfect or 16:9. In this case, I get a 4:3 picture with perfect circles with pixel-perfect mode. 480i again overscans a little.

It could be camera distortion, couldn't it?

I also find it weird that the test suite signal is recognized as different from the game signal by the LCD, even when both say 480i (it locks me out of some scaling options, as I said above).

I honestly don't know what to make of this. I understand that you don't want to implement a game fix based on my report alone, especially without fully understanding what's going on here. However, would it hurt to have a global 4:3 stretch option on the emulator? So users could try the current one and that one and decide which one looks better? As I've said before, I've noticed a few games that suffer from this, and even if I can't fully prove that they display properly on old CRTs (I accept that photos/videos of my CRT alone aren't enough), it would be a harmless option to have, no?

Thank you for all your trouble. 152ee80cbc

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