Objectives:  The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of manual, sonic-air and ultrasonic instrumentation with varying irrigation protocols on removal of the smear layer from root canal walls.

Study design:  Sixty extracted single rooted human teeth stored in 0.5% saline were used. Periodontal soft tissues were removed followed by crown separation at the cementoenamel junction (CEJ). All the teeth were randomly divided into three groups. Group I was manually instrumented and irrigated with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) alone and 17% Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) alternately, same as sonically instrumented Group II and ultrasonically instrumented Group III. The controls for all groups were irrigated with saline solution.

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Conclusions:  Ultrasonic, sonic-air and manual instrumentation of the root canal and irrigation with combined solutions is effective in removal of the smear layer from the instrumented walls of the root canal.

The statistics and structure of velocity profiles across the free shear layer of a sonic free jet are examined using oxygen tagging by Raman excitation plus laser-induced electronic fluorescence. The flow is observed both before and after the Mach disk at centerline Mach numbers of 3.6 and 0.4, respectively. Instantaneous images of the displaced line of tagged molecules show a clear picture of the turbulent structure including large-scale coherent features.

Christina J. Naify, Matthew D. Guild, Charles A. Rohde, David C. Calvo, Gregory J. Orris; Demonstration of a directional sonic prism in two dimensions using an air-acoustic leaky wave antenna. Appl. Phys. Lett. 28 September 2015; 107 (13): 133505.

Analysis and experimental demonstration of a two-dimensional acoustic leaky wave antenna is presented for use in air. The antenna is comprised of a two-dimensional waveguide patterned with radiating acoustic shunts. When excited using a single acoustic source within the waveguide, the antenna acts as a sonic prism that exhibits frequency steering. This design allows for control of acoustic steering angle using only a single source transducer and a patterned aperture. Aperture design was determined using transmission line analysis and finite element methods. The designed antenna was fabricated and the steering angle measured. The performance of the measured aperture was within 9% of predicted angle magnitudes over all examined frequencies.

In summary, a two-dimensional leaky wave antenna has been designed, constructed and analyzed. The LWA was shown to steer an acoustic beam via a two-dimensional sonic prism as a function of input frequency using a single acoustic transducer. The antenna aperture is acoustically compact with the size of the antenna the same size as the wavelength at the highest frequency examined. Acoustic circuit analysis was used to design the LWA geometry and finite element methods were used to predict the radiation profile of the given geometry. Measured radiation SPL of the LWA showed agreement with the predicted results in steering angle but significant deviation in measured resolution. This type of two-dimensional LWA geometry is potentially useful in simplifying acoustic steering geometries in both air and water. It is predicted that, even though this device operates along a single axis, inclusion of additional source transducers would expand the steering dimensionality with minimal change to the electrical simplicity. Although the change in angle and efficiency are not dramatic for the geometry specified in this letter, both parameters can be improved by optimizing the unit cell geometry and increasing the shunt array size. Finally, the LWA aperture can be used reciprocally as an acoustic receiver to determine location of active acoustic sources which would couple to a specific frequency within the waveguide. [Work is supported by the Office of Naval Research.]

This chapter looks at some of the principles involved in developing conceptual methods and technological systems concerning sonic microinteraction, a type of interaction with sounds that is generated by bodily motion at a very small scale. It focuses on the conceptualization of interactive systems that can exploit the smallest possible micromotion that people are able to both perceive and produce. The chapter focuses on the possibilities of microinteraction related to electronic systems, and particularly to digital musical instruments (DMI). Although there are many examples of sonic microinteraction in acoustic instruments, there are relatively few cases of such "intimate" control in relation to DMIs, which instead tend to rely on meso interaction. Clearly minimalist in nature, the show consisted of different "pieces" focused upon standstill and microinteraction with sound and light. The chapter proposes three rough spatiotemporal levels of human action: micro, meso and macro.

THE purpose of this paper is to review the major structural design problems common to all hypersonic air vehicles and describe some of the current research results to indicate the structures and materials technology produced during the initial phase of a new era in aeronautics. To further limit the scope of the discussion and to focus it on a particular application, these structural problems will be discussed in relation to a hypersonic commercial air transport that might be ready for intercontinental airline service 15 to 20 years' hence. 17dc91bb1f

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