Sonarr version (exact version):

Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):

OS: Windows 10

Debug logs: sonar.debugg - sonarr -

Description of issue: I have setup Sabnzbd and Sonarr. When I test the link from Sonarr to Sab, the test passes. But no NZB is sent after I select to download an episode. It simply says pending, download client not available. I have gone through the server settings in both apps to make sure they align. And they do. I am not sure where to look next. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

Sonarr uses the .NET Framework. We need to build Sonarr against the lowest supported version still used by our users. Occasionally we increase the version we build against to be able to utilize new features. Apparently you haven't applied the appropriate Windows updates in a while and need to upgrade .NET to be able to use newer versions of Sonarr.

Sonarr Pending Download Client Is Unavailable

Download File 🔥 🔥

Sonarr uses the .NET Framework. We need to build Sonarr against the lowest supported version still used by our users. Upgrading to newer versions allows us to build against newer versions and use new Framework features.

This means Sonarr will be unable to update itself. You'll have to update Sonarr manually or set the permissions on Sonarr's Startup directory (the installation directory) to allow Sonarr to update itself.

In macOS Sierra, Apple added a strange security feature called App Translocation (sometimes known as Gatekeeper Path Randomization) which means that after downloading an application, if you do not move the resulting application somewhere (anywhere!), with the Finder (you must use the Finder!), the application will be run as if it is located at a randomly chosen path by the system.

System time is off by more than 1 day. Scheduled tasks may not run correctly until the time is corrected

Review your system time and ensure it is synced to an authoritative time server and accurate

A properly configured and enabled download client is required for Sonarr to be able to download media. Since Sonarr supports different download clients, you should determine which best matches your requirements. If you already have a download client installed, you should configure Sonarr to use it and create a category. See Settings => Download Client.

Sonarr was unable to communicate with the configured download client. Please verify if the download client is operational and double check the url. This could also indicate an authentication error.

This is typically due to improperly configured download client. Things you can typically check:

Your download clients IP Address if its on the same bare metal machine this is typically

The Port number of that your download client is using these are filled out with the default port number but if you've changed it you will need to have the same one entered into Sonarr.

Ensure SSL encryption is not turned on if you're using both your Sonarr instance and your download client on a local network. See the SSL FAQ entry for more information.

One or more of your download clients is not responding to requests made by Sonarr. Therefore Sonarr has decided to temporarily stop querying the download client on it's normal 1 minute cycle, which is normally used to track active downloads and import finished ones. However, Sonarr will continue to attempt to send downloads to the client, but will in all likeliness fail.

You should inspect System => Logs to see what the reason is for the failures.

If you no longer use this download client, disable it in Sonarr to prevent the errors.

Within this example the download client places its downloads into /downloads and therefore tells Sonarr when its complete that the finished episode is in /downloads. Sonarr then comes along and says "Okay, cool, let me check in /downloads" Well, inside Sonarr you did not allocate a /downloads path you allocated a /data path so it throws this error.

Now within the download client you can specify where in /data you'd like to place your downloads, now this varies depending on the client but you should be able to tell it "Yeah download client place my files into." /data/torrents (or usenet)/tv and since you used /data in Sonarr when the download client tells Sonarr it's done Sonarr will come along and say "Sweet, I have a /data and I also can see /torrents (or usenet)/tv all is right in the world."

There are many great write ups: our wiki Docker Guide and TRaSH's Hardlinks and Instant Moves (Atomic-Moves). Now these guides place heavy emphasis on Hardlinks and Atomic moves, but the general concept of containers and how path mapping works is the core of these discussions.

Your download folder where your download client places the downloads and your root/library folder MUST be separate. *Arr will import the file(s) from your download client's folder into your library. The download client should not move anything or download anything to your library.

* Completed Download Handling only works properly if the download client and Sonarr are on the same machine since it gets the path to be imported directly from the download client otherwise a remote map is needed.

* Completed Download Handling requires Sonarr has read and write access to the completed download directory

Application Check Update - This will run every on the displayed schedule in the UI, checking to see if Sonarr is on the most current version then triggering the update script to update Sonarr. Settings => Update

The update screen will show the past 5 updates that have been made as well as the current version you are on.

This page will also display the update notes from the Developers telling you what has been fixed or added to Sonarr (Rejoice!)

Been doing some tests with Notifiarr Dev for Emby integration, which has just gone live in early stage as of last night. With the obvious lack of " New content added" webhook, here's few of the observations:

The fact that pause happens right before the stop is not a fault of the server and simply due to the way the audio/video players stop on the client-side. They are in fact, stopping, which must trigger a pause event first, followed by stop.

Would it be to much of an ask to include the webhook response in the logs to know it reached the destination? This one he is testing is not creating any logs what so ever which means it isn't leaving his server. He rolled back to the old one and it started creating logs so there is for sure some kinda issue here.

Is PlaybackInfo.PositionTicks supposed to be the current ticks or overall ticks? If it is current ticks then i can look at RunTimeTicks and compare to it with the pause notifications and skip them if they are the same since it is immediately followed by a stop hook.

Hmm, that doesn't clarify the question at all. I would need to know the answer before i can consider it. For a user who has Stop and Pause enabled, i dont need to double send them. If they dont have stop enabled but do have pause then it can send them. So if PlaybackInfo.PositionTicks is current ticks then this will work to eliminate a needless notification.

Thanks, also ignore the comment about fixing Seen/Unseen as Grim mentioned Notifiarr notifications already tell them apart. I was just mentioning what i saw earlier in the thread. So really it is just favorite/unfavorite that it cant tell apart. And the lack of any information in the plugin payloads and the restart pending payload.

As a user i would like to know when things change yes, but also what changed. I dont have a dog in this race as i dont use Emby but your Emby users ask for this kind of information when they see it in other apps but not here.

Np bud. Transcode information is also something highly requested for Emby & JF since it is available in the Plex notifications. You're welcome to add me on discord or hop in the Notifiarr server if you want to discuss things.

This guide introduces TrueNAS and walks through installing and accessing TrueNAS, storing and backing up data, sharing data over a network, and expanding TrueNAS with different applications solutions.

TrueNAS CORE 13.3, the latest version of the most reliable and highest-quality platform for traditional primary storage use cases, continues to focus on ensuring storage reliability, stability, and security for existing users.

TrueNAS CORE 13.3 will continue to receive bug fixes related to stability and security. These updates will ensure that 13.3 is a reliable platform for both homelab and enterprise customers, as well as a staging version for those users who wish to migrate to SCALE at a later date. 152ee80cbc

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