Join the fight for universal free expression in music.


Manifesto of the Society for Musical Liberation (SoMuLib)

Music is a vital element of culture and means of self-expression worldwide, and thus it is the most basic of rights for a musician to conceive of and organize sound in a manner that expresses their artistic vision and/or their cultural milieu. The forced assimilation of much of the world’s music into the strict time-grid and fixed 12 tones of Western music, via colonial and authoritarian influence over technology, is the primary extant threat to this right. Once aware of this dire condition, failure to take action to remedy it (even as a self-proclaimed “microtonalist” or “xenharmonicist”) is to allow oneself to be co-opted by the colonial machine. We refuse to be complicit in consigning once-vital musical traditions to the dustbin of history, withering and dying as modern technology leaves them ever further in the distance. Without freedom of intonation and freedom of rhythm, there is no freedom of musical expression.

Sound Good?

Then lend us your abilities – even just an open mind will do!