George Polya, known as the father of modern problem solving, did extensive studies and wrote numerous mathematical papers and three books about problem solving. I'm going to show you his method of problem solving to help step you through these problems.

Dear sir ,

I learn mathematics as a hobby because I did not have a chance to study college-level mathematics at any good educational institutions.

Do one best learn mathematics which one does not know anything about , say symplectic geometry , best by starting from page 1 of a book on symplectic geometry , and work out all (or most) the proofs and problems as he read. Or is it much more efficient to start from a problem in , say , classical mechanics and work out the mathematical structure of hamiltonian systems on his own from scratch using symplectic topology books as a guide ?

Solving Problems Mathematics Paper 2 Pdf Download

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Part cam contains 10 solved KCSE model examination papers with a full marking scheme. In the marking scheme, alongside each solved question, the type of mark and the reason for awarding that mark is given at the stage where the mark matures. This is intended to instill the importance of 'method' in working out Mathematics questions. The Author has selected the simplest method of solving each question. Alternative methods of solving the same questions may exist. Finding these methods has been left out deliberately as a challenge to the reader.

With the support of the Reboot Foundation, Bill Hinkley, a veteran math teacher, used the math program ASSISTments to explore how his students use paper and pencil when solving math problems, exploring the value of students showing their work.

In a randomized controlled trial, Hinkley split his class into two groups. For the control group, it was business as usual: students logged on to the software and submitted their answers online. The intervention group, however, saw a short video embedded into the ASSISTments platform that reminded them of the importance of using paper and pencil. Hinkley also asked these students to turn in the paper they used in solving the problems for 50-percent homework credit.

Another key variable is how students in the control group solved the problems: some may have used a tech tool like an online calculator, some may have simply tried to solve the problem in their heads, some may have even used a paper and pencil. Future studies could explore these differences in more detail.

Most published math papers are answers to open questions posed by the authors of the papers, right? So why is this problem that the paper responds to is never explicit in the text by the authors? Would not that be an important thing since it would save time for other mathematicians not to waste time formulating problems that have already been answered? Or is an expert in the field able to identify the open problem that a particular paper responds to even if it is not explicit in the text? Could someone explain to me in detail how this works?

"Open questions" usually refers to problems left open by someone else in another paper (or sometimes, left open by the authors in a previous paper). Now, "me" proving this theorem is probably in response to a question I had: for instance, I might have wondered which integers satisfy a^2+b^2=c^2. However, if no one else had previously considered this problem, it doesn't count as an "open problem".

Typically, in the conclusions sections of a paper, the authors might mention several problems that they consider interesting but didn't manage to solve. For instance, in my paper I might mention the question:

If I am solving an "open question" that I posed myself then none of these points apply (I could prove an utterly trivial, uninteresting theorem and then invent an equally uninteresting "open question" question that it answers) and so it doesn't make much sense to state an "open question" if there was no open question to begin with. Sometimes people answer their own open questions, but only if they previously stated them in another paper. If I just prove an interesting theorem (e.g.: "All swans are white") then reformulating the theorem as a question (e.g.: "We answer the question of whether all swans are white") doesn't add anything to the paper - especially if no one previously considered that question.

Note that in many math papers, the authors also invent the problem they solve (most math papers solve problems that are not well-known, even in the same community). Some problems require quite a bit background to formulate, in particular if new terminology is invented. Thus, the problem cannot be formulated in the abstract in detail. Besides, many journals do not allow/dislike math formulas in the abstract.

Another point is the following: Solving open problems is not important - solving important problem is. Thus, one actually needs to sell the problem, motivate why a solution is needed, perhaps give historical background and applications. Also solving old problems with new techniques, or make unifying proofs (putting same phenomena in different guises in one general form) is also something that happens. For new techniques, see the history of the prime number theorem, and for a unifying definition, see "cyclic sieving phenomena" by Reiner and Stanton.

In order to celebrate mathematics in the new millennium, The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts (CMI) established seven Prize Problems. The Prizes were conceived to record some of the most difficult problems with which mathematicians were grappling at the turn of the second millennium; to elevate in the consciousness of the general public the fact that in mathematics, the frontier is still open and abounds in important unsolved problems; to emphasize the importance of working towards a solution of the deepest, most difficult problems; and to recognize achievement in mathematics of historical magnitude.

The second of the two problems, however, was not published until after World War II. It happened this way. Around 1950 I received a letter from Abraham Wald enclosing the final galley proofs of a paper of his about to go to press in the Annals of Mathematical Statistics. Someone had just pointed out to him that the main result in his paper was the same as the second "homework" problem solved in my thesis. I wrote back suggesting we publish jointly. He simply inserted my name as coauthor into the galley proof.

Why would Euler concern himself with a problem so unrelated to the field of mathematics? Why would such a great mathematician spend a great deal of time with a trivial problem like the Knigsberg Bridge Problem? Euler was obviously a busy man, publishing more than 500 books and papers during his lifetime. In 1775 alone, he wrote an average of one mathematical paper per week, and during his lifetime he wrote on a variety of topics besides mathematics including mechanics, optics, astronomy, navigation, and hydrodynamics. It is not surprising that Euler felt this problem was trivial, stating in a 1736 letter to Carl Leonhard Gottlieb Ehler, mayor of Danzig, who asked him for a solution to the problem [quoted in Hopkins, 2]:

Quantitative reasoning is one area in which language models still fall far short of human-level performance. Solving mathematical and scientific questions requires a combination of skills, including correctly parsing a question with natural language and mathematical notation, recalling relevant formulas and constants, and generating step-by-step solutions involving numerical calculations and symbolic manipulation. Due to these challenges, it is often believed that solving quantitative reasoning problems using machine learning will require significant advancements in model architecture and training techniques, granting models access to external tools such as Python interpreters, or possibly a more profound paradigm shift.

While machine learning models have become impressive tools in many scientific disciplines, they are often narrowly scoped to solve specific tasks. We hope that general models capable of solving quantitative reasoning problems will help push the frontiers of science and education. Models capable of quantitative reasoning have many potential applications, including serving as useful aids for researchers, and enabling new learning opportunities for students. We present Minerva as a small step in this direction. To see more samples from Minerva, such as the one below, please visit the interactive sample explorer!

Recovering a function or high-dimensional parameter vector from indirect measurements is a central task in various scientific areas. Several methods for solving such inverse problems are well developed and well understood. Recently, novel algorithms using deep learning and neural networks for inverse problems appeared. While still in their infancy, these techniques show astonishing performance for applications like low-dose CT or various sparse data problems. However, there are few theoretical results for deep learning in inverse problems. In this paper, we establish a complete convergence analysis for the proposed NETT (network Tikhonov) approach to inverse problems. NETT considers nearly data-consistent solutions having small value of a regularizer defined by a trained neural network. We derive well-posedness results and quantitative error estimates, and propose a possible strategy for training the regularizer. Our theoretical results and framework are different from any previous work using neural networks for solving inverse problems. A possible data driven regularizer is proposed. Numerical results are presented for a tomographic sparse data problem, which demonstrate good performance of NETT even for unknowns of different type from the training data. To derive the convergence and convergence rates results we introduce a new framework based on the absolute Bregman distance generalizing the standard Bregman distance from the convex to the non-convex case.

In this paper we describe an investigation into the application of deep learning methods for low-dose and sparse angle computed tomography using small training datasets. To motivate our work we review some of the existing approaches and obtain quantitative results after training them with different amounts of data. We find that the learned primal-dual method has an outstanding performance in terms of reconstruction quality and data efficiency. However, in general, end-to-end learned methods have two deficiencies: (a) a lack of classical guarantees in inverse problems and (b) the lack of generalization after training with insufficient data. To overcome these problems, we introduce the deep image prior approach in combination with classical regularization and an initial reconstruction. The proposed methods achieve the best results in the low-data regime in three challenging scenarios. ff782bc1db

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