CAD Workshop

CAD Workshop in Fusion 360

Goal: learn to design in CAD and master fusion 360

When: Aug 17-21, 2.5 hours a day (1h class; 1.5h small group, hands-on instruction), online
Tentative times: class 4-5pm est, hands on 5-6:30pm or 7-8:30pm EST.

Instructor: Nicolas Eichenberger, UC Berkeley student (Battle Bot club leader), Former FTC lead builder

Register: google form (cost $125)

Questions: or (914) 215-3842‬

Class format

Instruction for 1h each day

Hands on design for 1.5h each day in small groups (max 5)

Daily projects.


Day 1: Drawings in 2D

  • Sketches with basic shapes; proper constraints; dimensions

Day 2: 3D Objects

  • Extrude, revolve, loft, sweep.

  • Modifying objects, etc.

Day 3: CAD Techniques

  • Timeline; Parametric modeling; Complex shapes

Day 4: Assemblies

  • Assemblies, components, relevant designs for FTC

Day 5: Simulations & Advanced Features

  • Static Stress Simulations, Fusion add-ins, Belt, Chain, Gears, etc.

Instructor: Nicolas Eichenberger

Student at UC Berkeley

  • Mechanical Engineering & Computer Science, 2nd year.

  • Combat Robotics Club leader.

Horace Greeley High School

  • 4 years on FTC team, lead buider, co-captain, designed swerve drive.

  • 3D printing, CNC machining experience