Meet The Founders

Mahita Somanchi 

Hi everyone! My name is Mahita Somanchi and I am currently a senior in high school.  My goal with Solon Hindu Student Association is to create a community where not only Hindu students are involved but rather all students with various backgrounds! I believe it's really important for people to learn about other cultures especially since we live in such a diverse society today. I hope that our fundraisers and donations to the temple will help kickstart similar groups in nearby districts. 

Anoushka Dubey

Hey there! My name is Anoushka Dubey and I am a senior in high school. My goal with Solon Hindu Student Association is to create volunteer oppurtunities for students who are interested in learning more about Hinduism and its rich history. I am excited for this organization to grow into something much bigger where people of all backgrounds are welcome to learn more about our heritage while also appreciating their own!