About Me

Name: Takashi Suzuki

Ex-shipbroker/investment consultant for shipping business. Retired from the business in 2002. Since them, I have been primarily a freelance, self-employed scientific and technical translator.  I also do a bunch of side businesses such as tour guiding, web design, science tutoring, and local history and science lectures. ◆ I love beauty in theory. The field of my interest: anything (physics, chemistry, mathematics) related to a system and space (giving us some energy and dimensional rationale). I am so grateful  for online lectures offered by various universities or research institutes - especially, those offered by MIT open courseware. The linear algebra lectures of Professor Strang of MIT was really an eye-opener for me (for the essence of linear algebra, see this recitation for MIT graduate students). I was impressed with the beauty of linear algebra, which elegantly describes the dimension (of a vector space, for instance) in such a way that we cannot perceive in a normal 3D sense. ◆ My hobby is local history. It started from a fun lecture I gave to Judy and her friends on the history of kitamaebune sea routes and how it is related to the prosperity of early modern Sakata, and  ended up with my tour guide-interpreter license. The lecture topics have gradually expanded and now include the history of Shonai Han (the former domain containing present Tsuruoka and Sakata) in the days of Bakumatsu (the final years of the Edo period - very end of the feudal Japan), Dewa Shugendo (local 1,400-year-old mountain worship -influenced by Esoteric Buddhism), and medieval civil war in southern Tohoku (before the unification of the early-modern feudal Japan). Additionally, I also made local science lectures such as  the microbiology of sake and other fermented foods and the geology of Mt. Chokai and Tobishima Island. I enjoy giving these lectures to visitors from abroad and those who are studying tour-guiding


Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada - B Sc. (Double major) Physics & Mathematics

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan - BA (Major) French


Freelance Translator of Scientific Documents, English-Japanese Interpreter, etc.  2002 - 



Electrical Engineering


Language (English)

Languages (other than English)

Shipping business



Past Education

Here is the list of textbooks which I used in Dalhousie University (except Computational Science and Engineering by Gilbert Strang and The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol I/II/III). If you are having difficulty in understanding these materials, I can help you with my science tutoring service.


Computer Science 





Header Image: Dalhousie University, Mathematics Department Building