about solidarity platform

solidarity |ˌsäləˈderədē| noun

unity or agreement of feeling or action

platform |ˈplatfôrm| noun

a raised level surface on which people or things can stand

There is no point in having a transformational platform if you aren't part of a movement with the power to win it and that's what we are a part of here. Nothing has ever changed for the better in this country without that kind of movement muscle behind it. Whether it was the civil rights movement or the labor movement or the movements for women's liberation or queer liberation. All of those breakthroughs happened because of people's willingness to organize and confront power.

--Naomi Klein, Not Me, Us rally, Iowa City, 1/30/2020


We campaign to claim space in the process and assert marginalized perspectives, build a local movement around the core tenets of climate urgency, human rights, regenerative economics, empowering democracy, and decolonization.

We are not politicians. We are not interested in weighing positions according to what might be politically popular. We recognize that our planet is on the brink of catastrophe and we bear witness as human rights and the rights of nature are continually assaulted. We demand change.

We are encouraged by AOC, Omar, Talib, Sawant, Raman, Chesa, and Bernie in seeing a potential for political actors to reinforce movements by the people.

We believe in the power of solidarity and reject alienation. To our minds, people coming together around common needs is the most basic function of social life and represents our best chance for positive, planet-saving change.

The prospect of joining government gives us pause. Nevertheless, we are here (in this uncomfortable space) running multiple candidates. Our principle aim is to help organize and vocalize a collective call around planetary urgency and human rights. We reject abuse, exploitation, social marginalization, systemic destruction, wasting, abusing, and giving away our community’s valuable human and natural resources.

We do not want to perpetuate systemic destruction and abuse. We organize around what is vital and just.


1) MAKE A SIGN or TELL US YOU WANT ONE. We want Solidarity messaging to be waste-free and accessible. Put a homemade sign in a window or on the street. Reused paper, cardboard, found object material--it's all good. Or, if you want us to get you one, email Zondie: zondiez@hotmail.com. Signs might say: "Vote Solidarity Platform Eugene." Maybe in red and black or rainbow? Bring your own style.

2) Given that SO MANY PEOPLE ARE IN NEED OF LIFELINE MONETARY OR MUTUAL AID SUPPORT, we are not fundraising for our campaigns. We would like to recoup the cost of the voter's pamphlet entry fee, $100/candidate. If you would like to make a small donation, email zondiez@hotmail.com. We can pledge a 100% match to go to local mutual aid.

3) HELP SPREAD THE WORD. All our flash-mobs have been cancelled.

4) LET US KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. If you are organizing around a cause, let us know. In looking to support movements, we want to know what's up.

Contact Zondie: zondiez@hotmail.com