
General Session: 9:00 - 10:00 AM ET

Nancy Harhut

Twitter: @nharhut

Surprise! The Brain Science Behind the Actions We Take

Even though we think we’re in total control, science has proven that up to 95% of decision-making takes place in the subconscious mind. In order to conserve mental energy, humans routinely rely on decision defaults – automatic, reflexive behaviors. And that means leaders need to know the triggers that prompt these hardwired behaviors, so you can get online students and prospects to take desired actions.

Nancy Harhut, Chief Creative Officer of Nancy Harhut and Associates, will share the proven principles of psychology that impact how people notice and respond to information. For instance, did you know that humans are instinctively drawn to images of faces, particularly a person’s eyes? Did you know that researchers have identified the word ‘because’ as a compliance trigger? When people see or hear it, they often start to nod yes without fully processing what comes next. You’ll leave this session with an understanding of the behavioral science behind some of the automatic actions people take – and a new perspective on how behavioral science can impact your institution’s online marketing communications.


Nancy Harhut is passionate about the impact behavioral science can have on marketing. A Hatch Top 100 Creative Influencer, Online Marketing Institute Top 40 Digital Strategist, and Social Top 50 Email Marketing Leader, she has creative directed integrated campaigns for some of the world’s biggest brands. She and her teams have won over 200 awards for digital and direct marketing effectiveness. Harhut is known for her interesting and actionable insights that focus on the application of behavioral science to marketing. She’s been quoted in publications ranging from Chief Marketer to Education Week to Rachael Ray Every Day. A top-ranked speaker, she's wowed audiences from the US Department of Defense to Moscow marketers to SXSW attendees. Organizations seeking an added advantage tap her for campaign development, consulting and content creation. Follow her on twitter at @nharhut

Nudge Your Customers Toward Better Choices (Harvard Business Review, December 2008)

What I learned from “Thinking Fast and Slow” (Medium, 2/20/17)

What Is a Heuristic and How Does It Work? (VeryWellMind, 5/12/18)

Concurrent Session I: 10:15 - 11:15 AM ET

Managing Up, Managing Down, Managing Across: Building a Culture and Infrastructure for Effective Fully-Online Education

(Vincent J Del Casino Jr., University of Arizona, Jeff Grabill, Michigan State University, George DiGiacomo, University of Virginia, Moderator: Jody Cebina, University of North Carolina – Charlotte)

Leveraging Competency Based Design for CE

(Ricardo Lorenzana, Brandman University, Jenny Yu, CBEESC-Sagence Learning, Moderator: Jay Hatcher, The Learning House)

Federal Policy Insights: Non-Higher Ed Policy Impacting Higher Ed

(Jarret Cummings, EDUCAUSE, Amy Laitinen, New America, Julie Peller, Higher Learning Advocates, Moderator: Chris Murray, Thompson Coburn)

Expertise in the Room: Leveraging the Competencies and Research of IDs

(Olysha Magruder, Johns Hopkins University, Mel Edwards, Purdue University, Katie Linder, Oregon State University, Shaun Moore, Oakland University, Dan Arnold, Oakland University, Moderator: Christopher Miano, Temple University )

U.S. News Best Online Programs Rankings: Review and Discussion of an Evolving System

(Eric Brooks, U.S. News & World Report, Moderator: Julie Uranis, UPCEA)

Concurrent Session II: 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM ET

Programs at Scale: Governance

How Do the Costs of Online Instruction Measure Up to Face-to-Face? Understanding the True Costs

(Stevie Rocco, The Pennsylvania State University, Moderator: Karen Pedersen, Kansas State University)

Conversations with Colleagues: Non-credit to Credit Pathways and Stackable Credentials

(Facilitators: Kim Siegenthaler, University of Missouri, Nina Huntemann, edX)

Kim and Nina will focus the session around the following questions/statements:

  • What do we mean by ‘alternative credential’ or ‘stackable credential’?
  • Is there a market for alternative/stackable credentials or is this media hype?
  • What governance structures hinder or enable development of alternative/stackable credentials at your institution?
  • Navigating the articulation of credits

eDC ThinkTank: Partnering with Faculty in the Design Process: Approaches to Faculty Partnership

(Yianna Vovides, Georgetown University, Shenita Ray, Georgetown University, Moderator: Camille Funk, University of California - Irvine)

General Session: 12:45 - 2:15 PM ET

Federal Policy Panel: Economic Competitiveness and Online Learning

Join panelists from leading organizations as they discuss the intersection of the knowledge economy, online learning, and higher education along with a host of other federal policy topics. As legislators work through the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, we see signals that legislation could be more inclusive of non-traditional education providers, which may provide different or new pathways and skills for workforce development while also having interesting financial aid implications. At the same time, four-year institutions continue to make headway in a domain previously dominated by community colleges via non-degree credentials and other competency-based training. Attendees will leave with greater familiarity on the future of workforce development and other federal policy issues.

Diane Auer Jones, Department of Education

Scott Cheney, Credential Engine

Iris Palmer, New America, (Twitter: @Irisonhighered)

Van Ton-Quinlivan, California Community Colleges, (Twitter: @WorkforceVan)

Moderator: Joel Simon, CAEL

Concurrent Session III: 2:30 - 3:30 PM ET

Programs at Scale: Financial Models & Partnerships

Building Online Programs within a Highly Traditional College

(Aleksandar (Sasha) Tomic, Boston College, Bryan Blakeley, Boston College, Moderator: Erik Nelson, Columbia University)

State Higher Ed Policy Trends: Cap Appropriations. Lower the Price. Expect More.

(Russ Poulin, WCET, Morgan Wilson, National Governors Association, Evie Cummings, University of Florida Online, Moderator: Neal Holly, Education Commission for the States)

eDC ThinkTank: Lightning Round: Problems, Solutions, and Conversation

Moderator: Shawndra Bowers, Auburn University

Quality Assurance and the Online Enterprise: Using UPCEA’s Hallmarks of Excellence in Online Leadership to Document Quality Online Operations

(Vickie Cook, University of Illinois-Springfield, Jason Ruckert, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Ray Schroeder, University of Illinois-Springfield, Moderator: Julie Uranis)

Concurrent Session IV: 4:00 - 5:00 PM ET

Programs at Scale: Faculty & Learner Services

Two Birds, One Stone: Program Innovation and Alumni Engagement

(Emily Bembeneck, University of Chicago, Matt Cohn, University of Chicago, Moderator: Angela Gunder, University of Arizona)

Zero to 60: Strategies and Structures for Rapid Online Capability Growth

(Jeremy Stanton, Georgetown University, Shenita Ray, Georgetown University, Moderator: Gary Chinn, The Pennsylvania State University)

Blockchain in Higher Education: From Hype to Implementation

(Ben Dexter, Southern New Hampshire University, Jamil Dewji, Learning Machine, Moderator: David Soo, Department of Education)

Working Session: Policy Brief Development

(Becky Klein-Collins, CAEL, Jordan DiMaggio, UPCEA, Tanya Spilovoy, WCET, Ken Hartman, OLC)

HEA Reauthorization

Accreditation/Quality Assurance

Federal Student Aid

Borrower Defense to Repayment

Student Level Data

Student Debt

Open Educational Resources

Capping Appropriation

Third Party Servicers

Tuition Free College/Community College

Net Neutrality

State Authorization


Regular and Substantive

Online vs In-Class Distinctions

Student Authentication

Prior Learning Assessment

Non-Degree Credentials



eDC ThinkTank: Working Session: eDesign Partnerships and Possibilities

(Facilitators: Camille Funk, University of California - Irvine, Shawndra Bowers, Auburn University)