Solar Power Systems Perth WA

How much can I save with Solar?

Nowadays, the best way to reduce electricity bills for the Australian people is the decreasing solar system cost in Perth WA. It is the best time to install your PV system in a much affordable range. Solar helps more than half of the population of Australia to save their electricity bills. A question that might arise in your mind that how much Australian people actually save by switching to solar? Well, there are certain factors that are considered to reduce your electricity bills.

These factors are:

  • The system size

One thing that should be kept in mind always is that the bigger size of the system, the greatest will be the energy generation as well as the savings. The electricity power output depends on the different variables.

The average power output depends on the size of the solar system in Perth WA and the location of the system set up. Also, apart from these factors the power output also considered on the basis of climatic conditions and the shading situations on the panels.

The electric power generated through the system is either used to provide power to households or the excess power is sent back to the grid. These factors influence the savings.

  • Self- consumption

Savings also depend on how much power your household appliances are consuming. If you use more power at the time when power is generating from the system, you will be saving more electricity bills.

  • Feed-in tariff

Feed-in tariffs are the rates that are received by the owners for excess electricity that is sent to the grid. So as to increase your savings, you have to consume electricity during the power generation rather than sending the excess power to the grid. High consumption of power by the households during the daytime, will surely provide advantages and also maximize the savings for them. Many a time, households don’t use 100% of the power that is produced, in such cases, a feed-in tariff means better savings.

  • Electricity costs

The best benefit of having your own power generating system is that you don’t have to worry about the increasing electricity costs. As the more energy is produced, the more you save.

Savings totally depends on your system size, how much power is produced, and how much power you are consuming as per your usage.