Solar Power Market Size and Regional Forecast, 2024-2029

The global solar power market is on a fast track, reaching a value of USD 167.83 billion in 2021 and projected to hit USD 373.84 billion by 2029. This significant growth is driven by a surge in demand for renewable energy sources and a global push towards reducing carbon emissions.

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Key Drivers

Climate Change Concerns: Rising global temperatures are prompting a shift towards renewable energy sources like solar power to replace fossil fuels and minimize carbon footprint.

Government Initiatives: Many countries are setting ambitious renewable energy targets and offering subsidies to promote solar power adoption.

Technological Advancements: Developments in solar technology, like better efficiency and lower costs, are making solar power a more attractive option.

Market Segments

Solar Photovoltaic (PV): This dominant segment utilizes solar panels to convert sunlight directly into electricity.

Concentrated Solar Power (CSP): This technology uses mirrors to concentrate sunlight to generate heat, which is then used to produce electricity.


Utilities: Large-scale solar power plants are increasingly being built to meet growing energy demands.

Non-Residential: Businesses are adopting solar power to reduce energy costs and enhance their sustainability profile.

Residential: Homeowners are installing solar panels to benefit from lower electricity bills and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Regional Trends

Asia Pacific: This region is expected to hold the largest market share due to significant investments in solar power by countries like China and India.

North America: The region is witnessing strong growth due to a positive outlook for clean energy and supportive government policies.

Other Regions: The Middle East & Africa and Latin America are also expected to see significant growth as they seek to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and expand energy access.

Future Outlook

The integration of new technologies like artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to further enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of solar power systems. With growing environmental concerns and rising energy demands, the solar power market is poised for continued expansion in the coming years.