
T.R.E.: Tension & Trauma Release Exercises
From experiencing a single session people have felt: Stress  release, tensions ease, clear headed, better presence of mind, lighter mood, improves quality of sleep, less pain, looser or more relaxed.
Benefits of regular practice (Personal experiences differ and are Not limited to the list below):
1. Healing from unprocessed short term or long term trauma trapped in the body.
2. Helps to move from freeze mode to living in the present moment.
3. Reduces anxiety and helps to manage anxiety or anxious responses.
4.  Helps to address and manage new stressors in a  healthier, more positive way.
5. Physical relief of tension from the  muscular and fascia system.
6. Supports faster athletic recovery
7. Improves range of motion and reduces aches and pains.
8.  Starts/Improves communication between self and body to feel safer and in control of  self within various life environments.
9. Encourages listening and paying more positive attention to body cues and normalizing natural beneficial responses.
10. Activates the Social Nervous System through safe trauma-informed experiences easing social relationships and creating more positive connections with self, family, friends, significant other and community.

Emotional Tour
A private Emotional Tour allows authentic expressive freedom in a safe space, while learning to process various emotions in a healthier way, and better understanding of underlying emotions connected to trauma. One on one sessions are curated to meet the needs and goals of the individual.
Benefits of Group session include the above and are not limited to:
1. Positive release from feeling welcomed to express ones self in a safe space of non-judgement.
2. Connectivity to others in a trauma-informed environment while connecting to self
3. Being held and supported in your emotions
4. Holding space and supporting others in their own experience
5. Feeling empowered and empower others to stand in truth.

Somatic Movement Release and Mindful Walking
Somatic Movement Release encourages you to find release within your own natural breath, movement and flow. Whatever you're feeling in that moment, throughout the day, or been weighing on you - find in your own body the breath that lets you sit in it, the motion that lets you flow with it, and the push or pull that that lets it go or lets you embrace it even more!
1. Allowing yourself the freedom to express yourself with your entire body
2. Finding pleasure in the unfolding discoveries as you journey within yourself.
3. In group, allowing yourself to be witnessed in your journey with acceptance and non judgement, and creating a safe space with your presence to allow another to do the same.

Benefits of Couples & Family Session
1. Allows individual experiences while respectfully holding space for each other.
2. A safe space for raw, honest expression in support of each other without judgement.
3. Encourages greater compassion,  togetherness, empathy and understanding for each other.
4. Being able to have differential responses from each other in an environment that promotes mutual respect, support, acceptance and growth.


T.R.E.: Tension & Trauma Release Exercises App
Suggested to help you with your self-practice once you've had at least 2 guided T.R.E. Sessions with a Certified Provider. This will help you understand the Neurogenic Tremors, what the engagement is like, and what your relationship with your Neurogenic Responses are as "Shakes/Tremors" aren't the only responses that you may experience, while in the beginning tremors are the most common response.

T.R.E.: Tension & Trauma Release Exercises App
Suggested to help you with your self-practice once you've had at least 2 guided T.R.E. Sessions with a Certified Provider. This will help you understand the Neurogenic Tremors, what the engagement is like, and what your relationship with your Neurogenic Responses are as "Shakes/Tremors" aren't the only responses that you may experience, while in the beginning tremors are the most common response.

Labyrinth Journey (A Mindful tool)

Experience a journey into the labyrinth. Use your finger to trace the path. Arrive at the centre then return relaxed, rejuvenated, and replenished. For thousands of years labyrinths have provided a place for meditating, finding peace and tranquility, making a pilgrimage, and enhancing creativity. Begin at the entrance and journey to the centre. Pause, reflect, meditate, and when ready, return outwards retracing your path. You cannot lose your way in a labyrinth.