Basics of Soil Science

Online Certification Short Course

Agri. Education Pakistan is nonreligious, nonpolitical and independent organization working since August 2011. The mission of the organization is “to educate the masses in the country regarding agricultural sciences and environmental conservation”. Our objective is to offer sustainability in happiness, health and economy by producing a new breed of Agripreneurs.

Agri. Education Pakistan is always being a trendsetter. The organization is the pioneer of many projects in the country (Visit; The mode of education is now changing over the globe in the term of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Pakistan is an agricultural country and as per the agenda of the organization to serve the youth and small farmers, Agri. Education Pakistan is going to get the honor to be the pioneer of MOOCs regarding agriculture and allied fields. The course content will be provided to students via email and the certificates will be awarded on securing 70% marks in the online exam. The online courses are the most efficient way of learning in the present world and with the support of stakeholders, we can better serve our community.

Course Details:

Course Title: Basics of Soil Science

Status: Avaliable

Language: English

Course Publisher: AEP MOOCs

Enrollment Charges: PKR 500/- only

Dues Submission: information share after email confirmation

Content Origin: Research Journals and Reliable Books

License: Downloadable.

Course Duration (Avg Learner): 6-10 Hours (Fast Track Fee PKR 1000/-)

Video/Audio: None

Audio Only: None

Animation: None

Assessments: Yes

Age appropriateness: 12+ Years

Minimum Grade/Class Level: Middle Level

Certification Availability: PDF


Upon completion of this online course, you will have an understanding of the following topics;

Introduction to soil Soil pH

Soil Development and Horizons Salt-Affected Soils

Soil Texture Calcareous Soils

Soil Colloids Soil Biota

Soil Structure Soil Flora

Soil Porosity Soil Fauna

Water and Plant Relations Soil Microorganisms

Exchange Capacity


To qualifies for your official Certificate or PDF, you must study and complete all modules and score 70% or more in each of the course assessments. A link to download your certificate will then email to you.