
Conference under the patronage of the IUSS president,

prof. Laura Bertha Reyes Sanchez


1. Soil Classification and WRB.

2. National soil classification systems - history, development and problems.

3. Education issues in Soil Science at the basic, secondary and academic levels.

4. How to educate students in Soil Classification.



Day 1: Sunday 11/09/2022

18.00 - 19.00 Registration

19.00 – 22.00 Welcome Dinner (Hotel Przystanek, Lokomotywa restaurant)

Day 2: Monday 12/09/2022

7:00 – 9:00 – Breakfast

9.00 - 9.30 Registration

9:30 – 9:45 – Conference opening

Session 1

9:45 -10:30 – Keynote lecture 1: The fourth edition of the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) - P. Schad

10:30-11:15 – Keynote lecture 2: Illustrated Handbook of WRB Soil classification - M. Świtoniak

11:15-11:35 – Does diversity of soil taxa or of soil profile data represents better the pedodiversity? – conclusions of high-resolution mapping and parallel classification of soil profiles using different classificationsT. J. Novak

11:35-11:55 – Use of the WRB classification system within the framework of ECOTROP/LAST 2022 for knowledge of the soils of the rural area of Doumé-village (Mulundu in southern Gabon) - D. Moukétou-Tarazewicz

12:00-13:00 - Lunch (Hotel Przystanek, Lokomotywa restaurant)

Session 2

13:00-13:25 – Keynote lecture 3: The role of Soil Science Education in shaping the environmental awareness of Societies - M. Urbańska

13:25-14:10 – Keynote lecture 4: SYStem mobile application as a tool for learning soil classification - M. Świtoniak

14:10-14:30 – The avocado soils of Mexico - A. Barajas-Alcalá

14:30-14:50 – A geochemical and agronomic evaluation of Technosols made from construction and demolition fines mixed with green waste compostL. Beesley

14:50-15:10 - How two profiles were identified as Technosols - P. Tomov

15:10-15:30 – tea/coffee break

15:30-16:15 – Poster session

19:00-22:00 Dinner (Karczma Spichrz restaurant, Mostowa str. 1)

Day 3: Tuesday 13/09/2022

Field training session – “Soils from the kayaks” –

SYStem Illustrated Handbook of WRB Soil Classification - soil classification pictorial compendium – what goes on backstage – using SYStem edutainment app in the field

Soil Sequences Atlas – the art of soil science teaching

6:30 – 7:00 – Breakfast

7:15 – departure of the coach

8:30 – 9:00 – visit around largest gothic castle in the Kuyavia-Pomerania province in Radzyń Chełmiński

9:50 – 12:00 - Ryte Błota, 10 min. walk to profile No 1 (peatland area) and No 2 (mineral island within peatland area)

12:00 – 16:00 – kayaking from Ryte Błota thru Zbiczno lake to Strażym lake –on the way profiles No 3 and No 4 (sandy soils in the subglacial channel/tunnel valley)

16:00 -17:00 – visit in headquarter of the Brodnica Landscape Park (if time allows)

17:00-18:30 – travel back to Toruń

19:30-22:00 Farewell Dinner (Luizjana Dwór Artusa restaurant, Rynek Staromiejski 6)

Day 4: Wednesday 14/09/2022

7:00 – 10:00 – Breakfast


FIELFIELDTRIPDTRIP 1 (to be confirmed)

"Soils from the kayaks"

Brunic Arenosols, Gleysols, Histosols classification issues,

Brodnica Lakeland region

FIELDTRIP 2 (to be confirmed)

"Alluvial soils of Vistula river basin"

14.00-16.00: visiting the Chełmno old town, one of the Poland's official national historic monuments