The venue of the conference is the Bellavista Relax Hotel in Levico Terme (Trento).

Information on how to reach the Bellavista Relax Hotel is available at this link.

According to the requests of the participants, bus transport will be organised to and from Trento railway station (departure/arrival in the small square next to the main entrance of the station - times to be defined)

Alternatively, it is possible to use the train from Trento to Levico (timetable)

The participants should pay and arrange for their own accommodation, except if agreed otherwise with the organizers.

The workshop will be held in Bellavista Relax Hotel. A limited number of rooms will be available at a negotiated price. The price for full board accommodation (hotel and meals) is approximately 140 Euros per day. In case you wish to be contacted by the hotel, you should specify it in the registration form.

Contact the hotel : Bellavista Relax HotelÂ