Observation netwokr

This page introduce our meteorological observation network. 


Our study area is located on the southern slope of the Meghalaya plateau with altitude of 2,000 meters. This study area separates the Brahmaputra valley from the Himalayas. Meghalaya is a relatively recently established state. Its name is originated from the Sanskrit word as "the abode of rains", as opposed to the Himalayas "the abode of snow". There are very deep gorges around Cherrapunji, which favors predominant topographic precipitation.


This map shows the observation points in our research group. The circles and squares indicate the locations where rain gauges observation and sonde observations, respectively. The difference in colors indicates the difference in regions: pink, white, green and yellow mean Assam,  Meghalaya, Sylhet, and other regions of Bangladesh, respectively.


Figure: Observed precipitation extremes at various time scales (from Kiguchi and Oki, 2010).
図:さまざまな時間スケールにおける観測された降水量の極値(木口・沖, 2010より引用)。

This figure shows the world record of precipitation on the time scale from 1 minute to 2 years on the horizontal axis. The black text indicates the Japanese record. Japan has the world record amount of daily rainfall. Cherrapunji's record is on a longer time scale than a month.

At present, the number of observation points is 42 (+α), and the observation has been made continuously from 2006-2008 to the present. The number of observation points has not been changed during this period. However, since 2015, we have been experimentally conducting rain gauge observations at Meghalaya. In Bangladesh, the instrumentation was changed to that made in Japan, and in India, the instrumentation was changed to that made in India until 2013 and then to that made in Japan from 2014.

The observational data have been quality-checked and a database has been created for the period 2006-March 2012. The data will be made available to our collaborators and counterparts, and to researchers who have asked for it. Use of the data is subject to acceptance and submission of the Terms and Conditions here.

Note: We have not been able to collect data from Bangladesh since March 2015.


観測データは2006年から2012年3月まで、品質チェックを行った上でデータベースを作成しています。共同研究者とカウンターパート、申し出のあった研究者に適宜公開しています。データの利用はこちらのTerms and Conditionに同意し、提出していただく必要があります。


Bangladesh (バングラデシュ)

Raingauges Network (雨量計ネットワーク)

Automatic Weather Stations (自動気象観測測器)

??? (電場計)

Disdrometer (雨滴粒度分布

Ship radar船舶レーダー

India (インド)

Raingauges Network (雨量計ネットワーク)

Automatic Weather Stations (自動気象観測測器)

Disdrometer (雨滴粒度分布

Upper Layer Observations Campaigns (高層気象観測キャンペーン

Terao (KAKEN-B) Observations Campaigns