Employment History:

2024-current:  Senior lecturer and Royal Society University Research Fellow, Imperial College London 

2022- 2023: EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Imperial College London

2021- 2022: Marie - Curie Fellow,  Paris-Saclay University

2020- 2021: EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Imperial College London

2018-2020: Chapman Fellow, Imperial College London


2014-2018: PhD in Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, UK

Thesis: Bridgeland Stability Conditions, Stability of the Restricted Bundle, Brill–Noether Theory and Mukai’s Program.

Supervisor: Prof. Arend Bayer

2013–2014: Pre-PhD Diploma in Mathematics, Abdus-Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy

2008–2013: B.S., Double Degree in Pure Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

Awards and Fellowships: 

2023: Royal Society University Research Fellowship for 8 years, total value £1,335,803.12

2023: LMS Whitehead Prize

2020: EPSRC Postdoctoral 3-year Fellowship, total value £405,382.00

2020: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual 2-year Fellowship, total value  €183,454.80

2019:  EMS PhD Prize (best PhD dissertation in Mathematical sciences at all Scottish universities)

2018: Two-year Chapman Fellowship, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, 2018-2020 (£5,000 research expenses + salary). 

2016: Postgraduate Essay Prize, University of Edinburgh

2014: ERC Funding and EGR Scholarship (2014-2018), University of Edinburgh

2011(2): Third Prize, International Mathematics Competition, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

2008(11): Silver Medal, Iranian Mathematical Society’s Competition, Tehran, Iran