About me
About me
I recently completed a PhD in Mathematics at KU Leuven, Belgium and my supervisor was Stefaan Vaes. From February 2025, I'll be a post-doc at ENS Paris and my mentor will be Cyril Houdayer.
My research interests revolve mainly around operator algebras and ergodic theory. During my PhD, I worked mostly on the connections between measured groupoids and von Neumann algebras. I completed my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Mathematics from Chennai Mathematical Institute, India.
I am originally from Kolkata, India. My mother tongue is Bengali (বাংলা) and my name in Bengali is written as সোহম চক্রবর্তী.
Adress: 02.32, Celestijnenlaan 200B, Heverlee 3001, Belgium
Phone: +32 456 311 469
Email: firstname.lastname_at_kuleuven.be
Instagram: @soh_chak