I am an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Electronics at the University of Bradford. I serve as the Programme Leader for the MSc Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, MSc Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, and MSc Big Data Science and Technology programmes. Additionally, I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
From February 2017 until September 2019, I was a research associate in the Dependable Intelligent Systems research group at the University of Hull. I earned my PhD in Computer Science from the University of Hull in 2016. I also hold an MSc in Embedded Systems and a BSc in Computer Science and Engineering.
News and Updates
January 2025. A paper titled "Quantitative failure analysis for IoT systems: an integrated model-based framework" is published in the International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management.
June 2024. A paper titled "Latent Semantic Analysis and Graph Theory for Alert Correlation: A Proposed Approach for IoT Botnet Detection," is published in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.
May 2024. A paper titled "Certifiability Analysis of Machine Learning Systems for Low-Risk Automotive Applications" is accepted to be published in IEEE Computer.
My research primarily focuses on safety, reliability, and security assurance and certification of cyber physical autonomous systems. I also have interests in model-based safety analysis, probabilistic risk assessment, dynamic reliability analysis, and stochastic modelling and analysis.
Currently Teaching:
COS4018-B: Internet Technologies (Level 4)
COS5025-B: Computer Communications and Networks (Level 5)
COS7039-B: Internet of Things (IoT) (Level 7)
Currently Leading:
MSc Big Data Science and Technology
MSc Internet of Things
A Security-enabled Safety Assurance Framework for IoT-based Smart Homes, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Unsupervised Learning for Feature Selection: A Proposed Solution for Botnet Detection in 5G Networks, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Toward Improving Confidence in Autonomous Vehicle Software: A Study on Traffic Sign Recognition Systems, IEEE Computer
Collaboration: I am always open for collaboration, please find my Research and Publications for common interest. Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss potential research collaboration.
Prospective PhD Students: Currently, I am looking for PhD students to perform high quality research in the area of dependability assessment of cyber physical systems (CPS). If you are enthusiastic and interested in carrying out research in this area, please take a look at some of my advertised projects on IoT Safety, Safety Assurance of Safety-Critical Autonomous Systems, Safety and Reliability Analysis of CPS, and Machine learning for Autonomous and Interconnected Vehicles. If any of these projects interest you, do not hesitate to contact me.