SoGood 2023 -
The 8th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good

22 September 2023  

The Eighth Workshop on Data Science for Social Good, SoGood 2023, held in conjunction with ECML PKDD 2023, at Torino, Italy.

The workshop intends to attract papers on how Data Science can and does contribute to social good in its widest sense. 

Topics of interest include:

The major selection criteria will be the novelty of the application and its social impact. Position and survey papers are welcome too.

 We are also interested in applications that have built a successful business model and are able to sustain themselves economically. Most Social Good applications have been carried out by non-profit and charity organisations, conveying the idea that Social Good is a luxury that only societies with a surplus can afford. We would like to hear from successful projects, which may not be strictly "non-profit" but have Social Good as their main focus.

Important Dates:
