
SoGood 2024
The 9th Workshop
on Data Science for Social Good

September  9, 2024  

Affiliated with ECML-PKDD 2024, September 9-13, 2024

The 9th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good, SoGood 2024, held in conjunction with ECML PKDD 2024, at Vilnius, Lithuania.

The possibilities of Data Science for contributing to the social, common, or public good are often not sufficiently perceived by the public at large. Data Science applications are already helping in serving people at the bottom of the economic pyramid, aiding people with special needs, helping international cooperation, and dealing with environmental problems, disasters, and climate change. In regular conferences and journals, papers on these topics are often scattered among sessions with names that hide their common nature (such as "Social networks", "Predictive models", or the catch-all term "Applications"). Additionally, such forums tend to have a strong bias for papers that are novel in the strictly technical sense (new algorithms, new kinds of data analysis, new technologies) rather than novel in terms of the social impact of the application.

Call for Papers

This workshop aims to attract papers presenting applications of Data Science for Social Good (which may or may not require new methods), or applications that take into account social aspects of Data Science methods and techniques. There are numerous application domains, a non-exclusive list includes:

We are also interested in applications that have built a successful business model and are able to sustain themselves economically. Most Social Good applications have been carried out by non-profit and charity organisations, conveying the idea that Social Good is a luxury that only societies with a surplus can afford. We would like to hear from successful projects that may not be strictly "non-profit" but have Social Good as their main focus.

There will be an award for the best paper.

Important Dates