
Sala conferenze e del Chiostro dell'edificio Roasio, 

Università del Salento,
Piazza Tancredi 7, Lecce

The Rectorate of Università degli Studi del Salento was the side of the old monastery of "Santa Maria del Carmine".

How to reach us

Piazzetta Tancredi 7, 73100 Lecce

Arrival By Plane

You have to reach the Aeroporto di Brindisi-Casale "Aeroporto del Salento" (BDS).

Arrival by train

If you reach the city by train, the rectorate is 5 minute walk far from the station.


In the city center of Lecce there is a wide choice of hotels and B&B. 

The speakers and the participant to the conference can take advantages of an agreement with

To have infos on the reservations and on the dedicated rates, please feel free to contact Simone (simone.cito@unisalento.it).