Last night I ran a mass compile which I have been putting off since I upgraded from 8.2 to 8.5.1 as I thought there might be some uncompiled sub VI hidden in there somwhere, but no luck. This morning in trying to unzip a file made with the zip functions in LabView I still get the message:

It is completely possible that there is some little subVI within the that is expecting a DOS/Windows-style directory structure, but this is not the fault of my code, but rather represents a bug in LabVIEW. I have additionally tested this on a copy of LabVIEW 8.5.1 on an Intel Mac and I get the same response. I appreciate the testing on Windows that the other posters have performed, and I feel that this is another indication that there is a bug in the code.

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When I run your VI on an Intel Mac with LV 2009, it does not generate an error. It lists and unzips the five files which I find when I unzip the test file. I am not an XML expert but the files look like they came through OK.

I'm working on a project where the data source comes in daily as a zipped file. Is anybody able to show me how to unzip a file within my workflow? Alternatively, can I use a zip file within my workflow? I'm unsure if Alteryx would be able to work with that as an input when building out the workflow.

Let's revisit this when you get back. I am unfamiliar with power automate, but I did some quick searching and it seems you can unzip with that tool. If you are already familiar with how it works, maybe having the process that saves the zip file also unzip it, might be a worthy solution as well.

Happy Tuesday! I'm back from much needed vacation and would be happy to revisit this topic. I did some initial research to unzip files through Power Automate but it struggled to push the file to a shared drive.

To anyone still following this. There was a little more to the process that we had to go through. We were able to answer the original question, which was, "Can we unzip a file with Alteryx?" Yes you can. You need to utilize command line. The links above show how to do that. We also worked through using the directory tool to find the unzipped folder and extract the files from that.

Also, wanted to ask if this unzip feature only works for zip files? Will it work for .tar and other compressed methods? Any way from the webui the unzip can show status or activity of files being unzipped?

Many answers here mention tools that require installation, but nobody has mentioned that two of Ubuntu's scripting languages, Perl and Python, already come with all the necessary modules that allow you to unzip a zip archive, which means you don't need to install anything else. Just use either of the two scripts presented below to do the job. They're fairly short and can even be condensed to a one-liner command if we wanted to.

If you search the forum for plink. You will get examples like the following:

plink.exe -ssh -l root -pw welc0me /sbin/shutdown -h -P now

If you file is on the My Cloud you should be able to do something like the folowing:

plink.exe -ssh -l root -pw welc0me unzip -d

You can now find the files you need in the folder where you saved them on the Windows File Explorer. However, if you're already looking at the WinZip file you want to uncompress in File Explorer, there's an even faster way to unzip it.

When WinZip finishes unpacking your compressed files, open your Android's Files app and navigate to the folder where you saved the files. If you chose My Files as the destination of your unzipped files, you'll find the folder in Internal Storage > WinZip.

I've used the GetHTTP processor to get a zip file from the internet.. I then use PutFile to put this into the file system. I then need to unzip the file .. and preserve the directory structure that the zip file specifies. Can I do this unzip with a NIFI processor? Once unzipped, I will then need to do additional nifi processing on specific files within the original zip file. I tried to use UnpackContent, however its output was a set of flowfiles that lost the directory structure.

Would I need a custom script for this (e.g. use ExecuteScript processor)? Or perhaps I should integrate "Storm" with NIFI to facilitate such an unzip.. that seems overly complex.. and i dont even know that its a proper task for a Storm process..

When the "UnpackContent" processor unzips the source file, it will create a new FlowFile for each unique file found. A variety of FlowFile attributes will be set on each of those generated FlowFiles. This includes the "path"

My input file is zipped. Inside the zip file, there are 3 fixed width file. I have to unzip the file and read each file(one at a time) and load into table. The input file will be in S3. Can someone advise to handle this scenario

Earlier when there was only one input file, i was able to successfully unzip and load the file. But this is not working when there are multiple files. Below snaps i have used when there is only one pipeline and it worked successfully.

If you add encrypted files to a zipped folder, they'll be unencrypted when they're unzipped, which might result in unintentional disclosure of personal or sensitive information. For that reason, we recommend that you avoid zipping encrypted files.

I can only assume your code came from a tutorial somewhere online? In that case, good job trying to figure it out by yourself. On the other hand, the fact that this code could actually be published online somewhere as the correct way to unzip a file is a bit frightening.

PHP has its own inbuilt class that can be used to unzip or extracts contents from a zip file. The class is ZipArchive.Below is the simple and basic PHP code that will extract a zip file and place it in a specific directory:

I was able to download your latest extract and unzip it without issue. I recommend 7zip as a free decompression software if you are using Windows; the archive utility should take care of this on a Mac. There is a known known issues with Archive Utility decompressing certain .gz files for Mac users with the Catalina OS; you can get around this issue by using Terminal to navigate to the place where the .gz file is, and then entering

Hey @tackytechtom thank you so much for all your help.... some good news that has worked... but I'd like to be able to unzip a folder with lot's of zipped files at once... hence why I had already tried the method in the video that you sent me... and I think the way my files are zipped as they SAP Business objects outputs means that method didn't work.

whereas I would like a solution that can unzip all files in a folder at once, because I would like to merge them into one table, and to not have to do lots of seperate querys if that makes sense?

I've read that unzip commonly chokes on large files, but also that it would be fixed in version 6.0. But this file isn't even THAT big. Anyone know what might be going wrong? Maybe some options might help?

Well, ok, I overread this. This could mean that there is an error with the unzip command, but I rather guess, that WinRAR did unpack the file, though there were errors (maybe was even able to correct them). I don't know, if that is possible with unzip, too, read the man page.

The issue seems to be spaces, like for "Group Containers". From what I understand you need quotes, but that doesn't seem to work either. Once the file is in that folder I need to unzip it to that location. Any help would be much appreciated. Also, a DMG is not an option since we will be updating these files regularly and would like to only update the zip file and the not the entire package. This wasn't my decision, just what I have to work with.

I have some very large zip files contains thousands of files. I only need to unzip one or two files within it. In Windows, this can be easily done with most common programs like WinRAR or WinZIP. But in Mac OS X, I cannot find any software with the same functionality.

Hi Ben,

Thank you for your reply. Exactly the same as you said. I just unzip my plugin into plugin folder but in the dashboard i am unable to see any but when i check the folder my plugins are there. i do not know what i am doing wrong. It should be visible in my dashboard right?

I upload using the File Editor plugin a compressed file then with ssh I make an unzip. So I can easily upload big quantity of files and folders without the use of a File Server. I think to add the unzip files function on Configurator would be a good idea.

Do you mind sharing how or what command you use to unzip in SSH? I have uploading a zip file into the file editor and into a subdirectory www to use the TileBoard addin but cannot find how to perform the extract.

So we have installed a local galaxy and most tools we use work perfectly fine. However, a tool I use for subsampling creates a gzipped file as output in the local galaxy. In the online galaxy a unzipped file is created.

In order to write the single task in the secondary gradle file, I want to know how to find the primary dependency artifact and then unzip it to a folder build/unzip-dependency, then I can re-JAR it as the secondary artifact.

The challenge, however, arises from the need to unzip these folders in Google Drive. Although I have written a Google Apps Script to perform this task effectively, it has a size limitation of 50MB per zip folder, which does not meet our needs.

So far, everything works perfectly fine. However, the issue arises when we have to manually unzip all of these subfolders containing images. I couldn't find a solution within Zapier to automatically unzip these folders. As a workaround, I wrote a custom Google Apps Script which solves this issue with unzipping the folders, although unfortunately, Google Apps Script has a limitation of 50 MB per operation, and many of our subfolders containing images exceed this size.


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