Poster Presentation

Poster Prizes

MathWorks® and COMSOL are sponsoring four workshop poster presentation prizes, with a total amount of $1000. Authors will be invited to submit full-length manuscripts to a special issue in Frontiers in Robotics and AI around the workshop topic, titled “Design, Modeling and Control of Kinematically Redundant Robots”.

Topics of interest

  • Soft Robotics

  • Modelling and Simulation

  • Analysis, Optimization, and Control

  • Software Frameworks

First prize (USD 400)

SOROTOKI. a soft robotics toolkit for MATLAB

Second Prize (USD 300)

Collision-Aware Fast Simulation for Soft Robots by Optimization-Based Geometric Computing

Third Prize (USD 200)

A Simulation and Optimization Toolbox for the Design of the Bellow Soft Pneumatic Actuator

Fourth Prize (USD 100)

Scalable Simulation and Demonstration of Jumping Piezoelectric 2-D Soft Robots

Congrats to all winners! Thanks to all participants!!!

SOROTOKI: an open-source soft robotics toolkit for MATLAB

finalized_draft - Brandon Caasenbrood.pdf
pitchTalk - Brandon Caasenbrood.mp4

Simulation of Robotic Grasps in Simulink

Graphical Abstract Pozzi - MARIA POZZI.pdf

Modelling an Inflatable Soft-rolling Robot

Poster_Release - Emanuel David Nunez Sardinha.pdf
Modelling an Inflatable Soft-rolling Robot_SD - Emanuel David Nunez Sardinha.mp4

Soft Robot Simulation for In Vivo Cancer Imaging

Poster_robosoft_v3 - Paul.pdf

Scalable Simulation and Demonstration of Jumping Piezoelectric 2-D Soft Robots

poster_Zheng - Zhiwu Zheng.pdf
demo_video_Zheng - Zhiwu Zheng.mp4

A Simulation and Optimization Toolbox for the Design of the Bellow Soft Pneumatic Actuator

Poster-Yao - Yao Yao.pdf
Demo-Yao - Yao Yao.mp4

SoRoSim: a MATLAB Toolbox for Hybrid Rigid and Soft Robots Based on the Geometric Variable Strain

Sorosim_Poster_A1 - Ikhlas Ben Hmida.pdf
SoRoSim_RoboSoft_2022_540p - Ikhlas Ben Hmida.mp4

Collision-Aware Fast Simulation for Soft Robots by Optimization-Based Geometric Computing

RoboSoftPoster-Yingjun - YingGwan Tian.pdf
Collision-Aware Fast Simulation for Soft Robots by Optimization-Based Geometric Computing3 - YingGwan Tian.mp4

Finite Element Dynamics of a Concentric Tube Robot Motion and Interaction with Environment Using SOFA-framework

Robosoft Software Workshop - comp.m4v

Free dynamic analysis and visco-elastic parameter identification of a soft fluidic manipulator

Amended_Robosoft 2022 Poster_A Soft_Actuated Origami Based Artificial Vocal Fold Mechanism - Azadeh Shariati.pdf
Azadeh Shariati-Workshop ROBOSOFT2022 - Azadeh Shariati.mp4